there are 2 screws in the steering surround, then 2 for the binnacle surround and that pulls off towards you can be a bit stiff, then there are 4 screws 2 each side on the binnacle itself. then it lift up slightly before coming forward.
the light is out almost instantly and i can still see oil up on the tappets and in the top of the engine so my plan is to check again tomorrow when its light and take it from there i might even check whats left in the 2nd bottle that will get me an answer to exactly what i put in there. as for...
well its got a 150 mile round trip with me the mrs and the kids this weekend so fingers crossed either someone will pop in with a i had that noise and symptom it was the ...........
or its getting driven as is and cross my fingers lol.
wont be 100% until tomorrow when i have some light but from looking around under the engine/gearbox with a flashlight nothing wet or dripping. from in the engine bay the block and head have no signs of leaks. my engine breather isnt in my air system and there's no excess oil coming from that by...
(answered the other thread)
yeah its a little bit of an odd one the clutch feels as good now as it did before it went just finding it hard to match a sound to the issue especially when i cant really fit a description to the sound. i thought the fork but then i also thought if it was that then...
drives nice again seems to have its power back however i have developed a clutch issue that i've started a separate thread for as i dont think its related to what i have done here. one thing i've noticed now though is after doing that earlier i flushed the engine and dropped the oil changed the...
i've not long put the head and stuff back on this was on a test drive for the engine so the window was open when it happened. sounded like it cam from the engine bay ish area! and was like a quick crunch ish sound then a 2 or 3 second rattle then silence. clutch was then down to about 2inch from...
ok so after replacing many parts including a head and 2 sets of tappets the car is sounding good seems to be running well and will pull on hills. but i had a strange noise like a rattle ish sound and then my clutch peddle dropped to about 2 inches from the floor but was still working! pulled...
ok so here's the results... i got it free with the bar and then went through the clearances again... started her up and at first a little rattle ish but give her a couple of seconds (15-20) then rev'd her up a bit. rattle went away and engine seems to be running ok. going to go back out and put...
thats the movement i can get by forcing the wheel back and forth. dont have the option of turning it by hand no socket to put on there to turn it with.
Edit: Neighbor just popped out he has a 27mm so popped it on and with some effort managed to turn it. question now does this mean my...
turning it with drivers wheel off the ground gearbox in 5th same way i normally do. cant get it to turn in any direction, moves maybe 2 or 3 mm then jams up i'll try get a video of it now.
havent driven it anywhere but i have gone out there today and removed the tapped's and put a new set in however now i have a new issue started to set the clarances and got as far as the 2nd of the 8 and engine jammed up and wont turn. tried to loosen ALL the tapped's turn the engine and start...
Reset tappets, my injectors the video don't give the sound well but.... while waiting for you gurus I went looking and my tappet shaft looks bent I have another will report back in morning when I fire it up next. The noise best I can describe is a rattle when coming off the power starts and revs...
head changed and its sounding like this anyone got any ideas cause i've run out of money and patience now and im ready to just blow it up and move on to another vehicle...
any ideas guys changed the head sounds like its rattling like hell! any info be handy im getting close to taking it up a mountain and leaving it there.
got a replacement and all gaskets and new bolts and things and stuffs lol but not finished changing it yet waiting on a mate to bring me a standard 15mm to take off the bottom exhaust manifold bolt my long impact one wont get in there. ahhh yeah i also may have been a tool and forgot to get...
not taken it back off yet but im assuming the tiny crack between the valves is no longer so tiny. partly visible in that pic if you expand it.
EDIT: currently sounding like that with no aux belt fitted