1. Happyhippo

    L series parts catalogue

    Hi Some of you will remember that I am in the process of swapping my wrecked engine with a new one purchased recently from Rimmers. I need some help with a part number. I'm looking for a part number for a part which has probably never been sold and which most owners never knew existed! If...
  2. Happyhippo

    L-series engine and fuel pump

    Thanks for the responses I am now at the point where I need to lower engine and transmission to the ground. Have to pick up engine crane tomorrow as my standard gantry is too narrow when the car is way up in the air on lorry stands. With the engine out and the gearbox off I will be in a better...
  3. Happyhippo

    L-series engine and fuel pump

    Thanks for the response however I have doubts about this! There are dire warnings against losing FIP timing. If what you say is true, provided you set up the engine with all the locking pins and the FIP with its own lock pin you can't go wrong! The main point is that I think I will have to...
  4. Happyhippo

    L-series engine and fuel pump

    Thanks for the reply but finding TDC is the problem. The conventional method of timing the FIP is well known. What I need to know is how to do it when you can't achieve TDC owing to valve damage.
  5. Happyhippo

    L-series engine and fuel pump

    Desperately looking for help here from those in the know about FIPs and fuel injection. Readers of my other thread will know that my engine devoured its valves because the alternator drive belt failed and wedged behind the crank pulley. I have now obtained a new engine. Yep that's right! a...
  6. Happyhippo

    L-series fuel pump problems

    Hi I was airing various problems under the Cam belt failure heading and I thought I should start a new thread. I noticed that Zigster has already bagged the thread title I was going to use! Anyway briefly my L-series engine suffered cam belt failure and I've obtained a brand new unused...
  7. Happyhippo

    L-series cam belt failure

    Thanks for that but I was quite happy with the old engine which was the best bit on the car! It had never done more than 8k miles between oil changes. I'm gutted that it's eaten it's own valves. The cost of repairs would quickly add up to what I paid for the new engine. It didn't take long for...
  8. Happyhippo

    L-series cam belt failure

    Well thanks to GrumpyGel for the heads up. I bought the last L-series crated new engine from Rimmers and it arrived this morning with only a little bit of damage which Rimmers are putting right by sending me replacement parts. There is a fair bit of work to do in transferring all the bits from...
  9. Happyhippo

    L-series cam belt failure

    Just to be clear the tensioners are all good and running freely without any noise. The aux belt never actually snapped which is why the alternator warning didn't light. Strips of what looks likes the wire reinforcing started to unwind from the aux belt until there was a mass of wire which got...
  10. Happyhippo

    L-series cam belt failure

    Thanks guys for your replies. I'll have to tackle the head off another day. I can only take so much bad news! In case you want to do some preventative maintenance, the alternator belt which failed had done about 5.5k miles and was 1year old, although the cam belt was coming up for its third renewal.
  11. Happyhippo

    L-series cam belt failure

    Just thort I would share my hard luck story with you! There I was driving along when I heard a flapping noise. Just had time to say what's that noise when the engine coughed and stopped. Had a look underneath and saw the remains of the alternator belt hanging down. Rang the AA and was...
  12. Happyhippo

    L-Series Straight Through

    Hi I have been running my L series with a straight through system for around 100,000 miles. What I found was a sudden loss of power as I accelerated. Eventually I traced this to the turbo sucking the inlet pipe flat! I renewed the air filter and now do so frequently and have had no further...
  13. Happyhippo

    L-series coolant leak

    Hello, me again! After some months of losing coolant, I decided to pursue this again. I bought a new set of land rover o-rings and stripped out the brand new land rover water pump again. This time I used a 4post lift and tackled the job from underneath. Apart from requiring 1/4 drive sockets...
  14. Happyhippo

    L-series coolant leak

    Thanks for the replies guys. The rusty pipe sounds worthy of investigation, but it will have to wait for a more thorough investigation. It is only losing a small amount of coolant so if I leave it for a bit it should be obvious where the pink stuff is coming from.
  15. Happyhippo

    L-series coolant leak

    Thanks for the reply. I was very careful to clean the mating surfaces. There is no gasket, just an o-ring. It could be a water pipe but it would have to be leaking before and after the replacement water pump. I suppose will have to get the belly pan off again and get in there for a good look...
  16. Happyhippo

    L-series coolant leak

    Hi everybody, I post from time to time when I have something to offer, but not recently. I have owned Freelanders from 1998. This one new in 2000. I've clocked up close to 140k miles in this one and have done all the usual things one gets used to being a Land Rover owner, in fact only today I...
  17. Happyhippo

    Gear box removal

    I recently renewed the clutch on my W reg XeDi and had a right game removing the gearbox. I unbolted the IRD and shifted it to one side but then had difficulty finding the elusive last bolt to undo to remove the gearbox. If I was doing it for the first time, I would probably remove the IRD...
  18. Happyhippo

    L-series Freelander Non-starter

    Spot on! Fuel was leaking from the return pipes from the injectors. One was quite a bad leak the others less so. I had been getting a whiff of diesel from time to time and had noticed what I thought was an oil leak on the undertray. There's a moral there somewhere. As soon as I removed the noise...
  19. Happyhippo

    L-series Freelander Non-starter

    After pratting about all morning testing stuff that didn't need testing, found that the fuel bulb was soft. After pumping up pressure she fired up as normal. Now why should the fuel system lose pressure? Anybody know what normally stops fuel ptressure leaking away? Happyhippo
  20. Happyhippo

    L-series Freelander Non-starter

    After 130k of very reliable motoring my 2000m.y. Xedi freelander refused to start this morning. Engine cranks but no sign of firing. I'm baffled because she always fires instantly hot or cold and was running fine when she was parked a day or two ago. I've checked glow plug relay, all belts were...