1. KW3500

    300TDI Oil pressure light flickers

    Well for info, I changed the sensor and the light has not re-appeared so fingers crossed that was all it was.
  2. KW3500

    300TDI Oil pressure light flickers

    Thanks - I'm not losing oil so I'll change the sensor and see what happens.
  3. KW3500

    300TDI Oil pressure light flickers

    On tickover the oil pressure light flickers. Should I be concerned?
  4. KW3500

    300 TDi fanbelt tensioner

    Sounds like you're right. Not sure how common that is.
  5. KW3500


    Nice one.
  6. KW3500


    It must stand out in Bulgaria :oops:
  7. KW3500


    Discklock was the first thing I bought. Now looking for additional layers ... 👍
  8. KW3500


    I hope some of this is of help, Mr Blackmore49. I see there are also other discussions on the subject like this one.
  9. KW3500


    I'm sure you're absolutely right and it would be a 5 minute job for you. But for some of us .... 😟
  10. KW3500


    Agreed, better but harder. It depends on how comfortable you would be doing that. The kit would be good for those of us who are not so competent/confident!
  11. KW3500


    I agree about the immobilser but it's any easy install so it's another layer of protection that might help. The Eufy tracker I'm looking at uses Apple Find My so can be used like an Airtag.. Yes, a GPS tracker would be better but it's a step further than I would want to go to.
  12. KW3500


    After watching this I'm considering fitting one of these and also possibly a tag like one of these.
  13. KW3500

    New to Defender 90

    Welcome. I'm relatively new too. I haven't found a ready list of things to keep an eye on but publications like this one help; https://www.legionlandrover.com/manuales/users%20manual%20-%20defender%20tdi%20td5%20v8.pdf (as well as the usual handbooks and Haynes manual). Enjoy your 90!
  14. KW3500

    Wanted - Water pump mounting for 300TDI

    Sourced (fleabay) and fitted. That was fun :rolleyes:
  15. KW3500

    Wanted - Water pump mounting for 300TDI

  16. KW3500

    Wanted - 300TDI Water Pump housing

    (Just wanted to make sure people reading either thread saw it!)
  17. KW3500

    Wanted - Water pump mounting for 300TDI

    Due to a stupid error I find myself in need of a water pump mounting bracket (ERR3736) for a '97 300TDI. Anyone in the Yorkshire area have one for sale I could collect this weekend before I jump on fleabay? Thanks.
  18. KW3500

    Wanted - 300TDI Water Pump housing

    Due to a stupid error I find myself in need of a water pump mounting bracket (ERR3736) for a '97 300TDI. Anyone in the Yorkshire area have one for sale I could collect this weekend before I jump on fleabay? Thanks.
  19. KW3500

    New owner- old Landy

  20. KW3500

    Nice photo

    Daughter-in-law is currently on a walk in North Somerset and sent me this lovely photo of a series she spotted: