1. thefrog

    >Water flowing in bowl when cold

    Thanks for all this information. The big radiator hose if very soft, it feels like foam. I can squash it very easy with just 2 fingers I've ordered the parts, I will change them and let you know..
  2. thefrog

    >Water flowing in bowl when cold

    Ok thanks, I understand now. So I will change all these parts to be safe
  3. thefrog

    >Water flowing in bowl when cold

    Thanks for this. The bowl and cap are new. I don't understand. The radiator water circuit should be closed when the engine is cold, why is water flowing from the radiator ?
  4. thefrog

    >Water flowing in bowl when cold

    Hi Everyone, When the car is cold and engine off, some pipes are squashed (see picture) When I start the engine, I see water flowing in the bowl (see Video) http://labarette.free.fr/xfer/freelander/FreelanderBowl.mp4 I think this is not normal (?) What do you think ? Thanks
  5. thefrog

    Failing hydraulic clutch, How long do I have ?

    I made it home no problem. Thanks for your help. I read somewhere that if you could take only 3 tools with you, it should be : - WD40 - Some kind of adhesive tape - A pair of pliers.
  6. thefrog

    Failing hydraulic clutch, How long do I have ?

    Ok thanks man I just sprayed WD40 on the receiver shaft yesterday , and today the clutch pedal has come back even better than before. All the gears pass without cracking So I will try to bring it back Saturday, I think its gonna work....
  7. thefrog

    Failing hydraulic clutch, How long do I have ?

    Thanks, I have no tools with me. Can I just spray WD40 on it?
  8. thefrog

    Failing hydraulic clutch, How long do I have ?

    Hi Everyone, I'm on holiday and the gears are harder and harder to pass, the clutch pedal is really soft. It happend 15 km ago I have a 2002 1.8 and I think I cannot add fluid ? Do you know how many km I have left ? I'm a 150 km from home Thanks
  9. thefrog

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    I removed both ashtrays and cigarette lighter and added : Rear and Front USB ports Temperature sensor inside & outside Voltage Monitor
  10. thefrog

    Changing the IRD on my 1.8 K Freelander

    I did it ! It's finally back on the road and ready for Summer Thanks for your help I now have to wait for the dreaded head gasket problem. But with 128.000 Kms and the water cooling MOD installed by the previous owner, I should be good (?)
  11. thefrog

    Changing the IRD on my 1.8 K Freelander

    Ok thanks I will try this.
  12. thefrog

    Changing the IRD on my 1.8 K Freelander

    Thanks for this. I've ordered the bearings and I'll see if I can fit them myself... :rolleyes: Sorry but I don't understand this
  13. thefrog

    Changing the IRD on my 1.8 K Freelander

    Ok so I put the VCU back in the car and the noise is TERRIBLE I need to find good quality bearings Can anyone tell me which are the most quiet ? Thanks
  14. thefrog

    Changing the IRD on my 1.8 K Freelander

    Ok thanks, the new IRD is in and everything is in place. I now need to put the new VCU. I got a second hand one with 5000 K from 2019 says the guy who sold it to me, it looks good, but I will need to do the 'test with the Wheel up' thing to be sure They are SO expensive new, specially with the...
  15. thefrog

    Changing the IRD on my 1.8 K Freelander

    Ok thanks for this. Yes I have removed the drive shaft. It's a perspective effect on the picture, the shaft is behind. I'm trying to put the shaft back in, but it's difficult, do I have to force to get it in ?
  16. thefrog

    Changing the IRD on my 1.8 K Freelander

    Hi, I finally removed the old IRD and put the other one in place. But the top of the bracket holding the IRD to the engine is broken I don't know if it was already broken, or if it broke while unscrewing. Do you think I can put back together like this ? I don't know where to find one of...
  17. thefrog

    Changing the IRD on my 1.8 K Freelander

    Thanks for this. I finally removed the sub frame I now will now try to find some kind of hydraulic cradle (I don't know how they're called) to remove the IDR and put the other one in. I know you can do this with bits of wood, but I don't want to take any risk, it was very hard to find a...
  18. thefrog

    Changing the IRD on my 1.8 K Freelander

    Thanks, I also have a pit (and it changed my life :)). One more question, Do I need to lift both wheels to remove the sub Frame ?
  19. thefrog

    Changing the IRD on my 1.8 K Freelander

    Ok thanks for this, I understand now. It doesn't look like a big job removing the frame, I think I will give it a go...
  20. thefrog

    Changing the IRD on my 1.8 K Freelander

    @pwood999 This is the complete front sub frame (?), where is the rear beam that you are talking about ?