1. DiscoLyle

    Disco 1 What is the largest battery you can fit in a D1

    I have measured the tray width and length ways and I think it will fit. I need a way of measuring the hight as I cant see through the bonnet haha
  2. DiscoLyle

    Disco 1 What is the largest battery you can fit in a D1

    last night i accidentally knocked my battery of my work bench cracking it :( so I'm looking for a replacement. The size I cracked was approx 26cm Length x 18cm high x 17cm width Obviously I want the biggest battery I can fit in the space. Searching by my reg on the kwick fit website it...
  3. DiscoLyle

    Discovery 1 3 Door Build Tread

    In the first post i said i had a small area of rust in the rear arch. That turned into replacing most of the rear quarters and patching in the floor. I have also replaced the sills with box section. Im going to spray the interior when I get a nice day with upol gravitex. This will give a durable...
  4. DiscoLyle

    Disco 1 Rear crossmember mounts

    I think it has buy the previous owner. Im trying to undo it all now
  5. DiscoLyle

    Disco 1 Rear crossmember mounts

    Cheers I will have to do some investigating. I can ways cut down the new ones of i need to.
  6. DiscoLyle

    Disco 1 Rear crossmember mounts

    Cheers I just finished repairing the boot floor and arches. The tailgate is catching on the rear bumper. Im hoping that its just the hinges. However it has ruined the tailgate. So I'm looking for a complete tailgate and hinges in 601 paint code.
  7. DiscoLyle

    Disco 1 Rear crossmember mounts

    If you could that would be spot on. There nothing obvious I might see more once I chop the old ones out.
  8. DiscoLyle

    Tailgate alignment

    But won't you miss getting burnt and breathing in 25 years of paint, seam sealers and underseal?
  9. DiscoLyle

    Disco 1 Rear crossmember mounts

    I'm doing the same thing at the moment. I've done one sill already, im doing the other side tomorrow. See picture below. I still need to spray it with stone chip. For the sills I bought the sill body mounts, brace bracket, and bushes. For the Crossmember i bought the two mounts and bushes.
  10. DiscoLyle

    Tailgate alignment

    He probably seen sense and bought something Japanese!
  11. DiscoLyle

    Disco 1 Rear crossmember mounts

    Cheers Mate Haha i could understand if 15mm fell off but its 15mm Between the crossmember and the chassis mount haha
  12. DiscoLyle

    Tailgate alignment

    Did you get to the bottom of this ? Was it the hinges that where the problem? Thanks
  13. DiscoLyle

    Disco 1 Rear crossmember mounts

    Thank you very much. Yeh everything I've had off them so far had been excellent. If the mount is correct, I cant get my head around how the ones on the car now have been modified. Ano the crossmember can sag but how can steel disappear
  14. DiscoLyle

    Disco 1 Rear crossmember mounts

    Its from YRM. Has anybody else had experience fitting these repair mounts? Please could some message there mounts for me. It would be a massive help!!
  15. DiscoLyle

    Disco 1 Rear crossmember mounts

    Evening I'm looking at replacing my rotton old crossmember mounts. For the ones pictured. However they seem about 15mm longer. Whats happen here ? Which one is wrong ? Thanks
  16. DiscoLyle

    Disco 1 Will a disco 2 tailgate fit a disco 1 ?

    Thank you What about the hinges. Im sure I've read somewhere that disco 2's have either 2 upper or lower discovery 1 hinges ?
  17. DiscoLyle

    Disco 1 Will a disco 2 tailgate fit a disco 1 ?

    The hinges on my tailgate have dropped, making the tailgate sag and catch the rear bumper. This has made the bottom of the tailgate peel up. I'm looking for a replacement ideally in paint code 601 Will a disco 2 tailgate fit a disco 1 Thanks