1. Mad McNiff

    Sport New Owner. Many Questions

    Ill take a reading on the battery in the morning and this may give me the answer.
  2. Mad McNiff

    Sport New Owner. Many Questions

    Where would I go to get a new fob of how can I check it? As an aside I tested the voltage at the battery while the car was running and it was measuring 18.2V. I thought this was very high. What happens to the car if this is true. What could be the reason for the lack of interior lights at the...
  3. Mad McNiff

    Sport New Owner. Many Questions

    It locks and unlocks all doors from the button in the centre console.
  4. Mad McNiff

    Sport New Owner. Many Questions

    I do only have on key so I cant check it against anything. There is no keyhole on the drivers door only the passenger and this works fine. I will take the door card out to see if it is a multiplug / corrosion issue at the weekend.
  5. Mad McNiff

    Sport New Owner. Many Questions

    It figures out what vehicle it is and gives me the number of the personality key. But when it tries to interrogate it, it says it cannot communicate.
  6. Mad McNiff

    Sport New Owner. Many Questions

    I've got a snap on Solus.
  7. Mad McNiff

    Sport New Owner. Many Questions

    Ok thanks I'll do that Would this also explain why the Diagnostic tool i have will not connect to car?
  8. Mad McNiff

    Sport New Owner. Many Questions

    Hi All I have finally scratched the itch of buying a Range Rover again after selling my last one ( a burgundy 1989 classic) in 2001. I have just purchased a 2005 L320 Sport in Stornaway Grey with full service history. Of course there are faults and I could do with a bit of advice on them The...