1. D

    Freelander 1 SOLD!! 2005 Freelander 1 1.8 Petrol for sale

    I have for sale my 2005 Freelander 1 1.8 Petrol 3 door with removable hard top. 107k ish miles with MOT until February 2024. Great body work and drives reasonably well for a freelander, good interior and no fault lights on the dash. Fitted towbar and freelander specific towbar wiring. HDC works...
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    new to defender ownership but not new to landrovers

    i will post some when i actually pick it up in a fortnight.
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    Windscreen washer jet upgrade options!!

    howabout something like this - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/403960039456?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=e5qac_e8tba&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=HKK-PVH6Qm2&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
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    Reversing cams or sensors

    nice one, many thanks, i'll check it out.
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    Reversing cams or sensors

    Hi there, any recommendations for reversing cams or sensors for a 1998 defender 110 , i've seen some chinese ones on fleabay but not sure they are suitable or any good. I used to have a bongo that had a mirror on the boot looking down and i am sure i remember older landrovers having these, are...
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    new to defender ownership but not new to landrovers

    Hi there, i'm not really new here as i've been on this forum on the Freelander pages for a while but i've recently agreed to buy a 1998 defender 110 van of my mate with a view to converting it into a stealth camper for cheeky overnighters and general tomfoolery!! I pick it up in a few weeks as...
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    Freelander 1 Locking Wheel nut key

    so all A's on the rest of the wheels, apart from the offside front which has 5 normal wheel nuts, this car never ceases to amaze me!!!
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    Freelander 1 Locking Wheel nut key

    nice one, dude, that corresponds with whats stamped on the nut , i'm going to order one when i've checked the others. thanks so much for yours and everyones assistance. might end up selling it shortly anyway as i've been offered a Defender 110 on a good deal
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    Freelander 1 Locking Wheel nut key

    you'd think that would a strange thing to do lol. i'll check the others later to see they are all the same and if the others are stamped, then order an A hopefully
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    Freelander 1 Locking Wheel nut key

    nice one, i've measured and it seems to be around 17.76mm between the centres of the pins, but hard to measure. and i make it 18.40mm between the nearest edges of the pins, if that makes sense. interestingly i noticed that the spare wheel locking nut, as per my original picture is stamped with...
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    Freelander 1 Locking Wheel nut key

    unfortunately my Irwins are too small for the spare wheel locking nut!!! might see if i can find a single one, the case has space for more irwins in different sizes
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    Freelander 1 Locking Wheel nut key

    Good call, i've got a set of irwins in the garage, i'll see if they are a good fit, i'll try the spare wheel one first!!
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    Freelander 1 Locking Wheel nut key

    cheers dude, i'll get my vernier gauge out shortly.
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    Freelander 1 Locking Wheel nut key

    Morning, my locking wheel nut key doesn't seem to be present since i bought the car, came to take a wheel off today and can't find it. i could go somewhere to have them removed but i'd like a replacement key ideally as it is probably cheaper. i don't have the security card that gives the key...
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    Freelander 1 Clutch pedal behaving oddly

    i have the new bracket but couldn't release the bolts from the top of the engine so waiting for a good day to get the undertray off and try from below for more leverage. and they are soaking in bulldog BDX to try and release them. its definitely the pedal end that is behaving weirdly, seems to...
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    Freelander 1 Clutch pedal behaving oddly

    Hi there, I replaced the master and slave cylinder on my 1.8 2005 FL1 and all seems to have gone okay, however the pedal is now behaving strangely, the clutch works fine, but the pedal seems to come up stop and then sometimes clicks a further couple of centimetres. when i'm driving and changing...
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    Freelander 1 Towbar electrics

    is there one on the FL1? i don't recall seeing one when i turn on my ignition. but maybe i need to check the manual lol
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    Freelander 1 Towbar electrics

    Wiring now all fitted, easy peasy. didn't need a new indicator relay, tested it with my witter bike rack and everything functions as it should, the indicators flash at the right speed. just need a short trailer board for when i carry my c90 on the back of the car
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    Freelander 1 Coolant loss on 1.8 petrol

    cheers chaps, going to invest in a new one, its only 15 quid with a cap, and a couple of jubilees.
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    Freelander 1 missing cam end plate

    cheers dude, at that price i might make my own, seeing as it only appears to be a cover with no gasket