1. D

    Parts suppliers - its a minefield!!!

    Morning, been looking for parts for my defender but to be honest its a minefield!!! there are so many suppliers online, ebay etc. but all with different quirks, e.g. VAT not displayed on parts, varying postage costs, no one has all the things i need etc. who are your go-to parts suppliers with...
  2. D

    Headlight upgrade

    Wow!!! thank you for taking the time to make such a detailed reply, certainly food for thought. mine is a 1997 defender 110 300tdi van BTW. I think i will do as you advise, try a few options of bulbs and give them a try to see what suits me, i think i'll probably stick with normal bulbs and try...
  3. D

    Headlight upgrade

    Nice one, thanks for the feedback. i'll be stashing this and looking at the parts list. many thanks.
  4. D

    Headlight upgrade

    hi there, looking to upgrade my headlights from what i assume at 60/55W bulbs. i've got some 100/90 bulbs in the garage from my old bike but i think they'll be too much for the wiring, would the boomslang loom help with this -...
  5. D

    Freelander 1 The Holy Grail for 3 doors?

    Now i've sold my FL1 i still have the shower cover and need to put it up for sale but anyone on here interested in it?
  6. D

    Water pump leak???

    Changed the clip yesterday for a wider clip with a better worm! seems to have done the trick, coolant level has stayed stable and the top of the alternator is now dry. hopefully we've cracked it. thanks for everyones input and guidance.
  7. D

    What have you done on your 90/110/130 today?

    Very happy with it, i got it from Amazon, 50 quid ish and then extra for the hardwire kit. you can switch between front and rear view and it has a trigger from the reverse light for guide lines but i've not sorted that yet. if you add an SD card you get dashcam function and it records front and...
  8. D

    What have you done on your 90/110/130 today?

    Completed wiring in my rear view camera/dashcam (screen in the mirror) to a permanent and a switched +ve feed so now it goes on and off properly with the ignition. Also got new hose clips for the bottom hose to hopefully stop the pesky leak!!
  9. D

    Water pump leak???

    got it!! cheers
  10. D

    Water pump leak???

    of course it is!!! doh!!! 👍
  11. D

    Water pump leak???

    i'll try that, the current clamp has a rusty turny bit (not sure on the technical term) and its starting to round off so i'll put a new one on and orientate it 180 degrees to the other side. cheers
  12. D

    Water pump leak???

    yeah and they are cheaper as well. however mine is moulded in one piece but all the ones on ebay seem to be multple pieces with jubilee clips holding the joints together, feels like more chance of them springing a leak somewhere
  13. D

    Water pump leak???

    Still got a bit of a weep so going to try a new jubilee clip and then might replace the hose though it doesn't look in bad nick , whats the recommendations for replacement? standard type or flashy silicon in a gaudy colour? 🤣
  14. D

    Offroad/greenlaning clubs in the west midlands/shrops/staffs area?

    cheers , found staffs and shrops on FB i think https://www.facebook.com/groups/staffsandshropslrc
  15. D

    Offroad/greenlaning clubs in the west midlands/shrops/staffs area?

    cheers, i'll take a look. i don't use FB a lot unless i am selling stuff
  16. D

    Offroad/greenlaning clubs in the west midlands/shrops/staffs area?

    Actually just outside, Wombourne
  17. D

    Offroad/greenlaning clubs in the west midlands/shrops/staffs area?

    Hi there, i'm trying to find out if there are any 4x4/off-road/greenlaning clubs near me (wolverhampton area) or the wider WM/south staffs/shropshire area that i can join or tag along with on drive outs etc. cheers in advance Steve
  18. D

    Water pump leak???

    Cheers all for the replies and guidance. having managed to get the bonnet open ( two person job as one needs to push on the bonnet while the other pulls the cable) i can see that the top hose is directly over the alternator and you can see rust marks down the alternator so i suspect that is...
  19. D

    Water pump leak???

    Hi there, i appear to have a slight coolant leak but trying to work out where it is coming from, there appears to be coolant leaking from the alternator (drips circled in blue) but not sure if there is a pipe above it that is leaking onto it. Long story, can't get the bonnet open at the moment...
  20. D

    getting wiring to fusebox

    Morning, i'm hard wiring in a rear view camera mirror and can get the wiring down the nearside windscreen pillar no problem but where do i take it next to get to the fusebox. there appears to be a pod under the dash that has 5 screws on it but even with the screws removed i can't get the pod...