1. D

    What have you done on your 90/110/130 today?

    bought some poly bushes for the rear shocks as one of my conical bushes has gone AWOL. 12 quid bargain. also ordered a new auxiliary belt as mine looks a bit cracked, again 9 quid of ebay.
  2. D

    What have you done on your 90/110/130 today?

    was thinking about this earlier, i've got gerbing heated gloves for my bike, and a heated jacket, might wire in a connector for them by my seat so i can wear them in the defender. or wear my heated waistcoat plugged in to the USB socket.
  3. D

    Night heater / pre heater exhaust position?

    watching this as i'm planning a chinese install, probably in between the two seats in a box venting towards the rear area of my 110 and into the cab as well, with the exhaust going out into the area above the TF box.
  4. D

    new to defender ownership but not new to landrovers

    she did get through Ok and i picked her up in October :) heres a pic from when i first got her, been fettling ever since!!
  5. D

    Water pump leak???

    Good work Sir!! hopefully you'll have peace of mind now.
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    juddering when coming to a halt

    you guys are miracle workers, took the truck for a test drive, no dragging, no juddering on slowing down for junctions and the handbrake works a treat on a hill. checked the drum when i got back and its not hot so i know its not dragging. i was worried it would be something expensive but the...
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    juddering when coming to a halt

    turned the adjuster until it dragged and then backed it off slightly and tested the cable. fingers crossed.. i had a look at this video on youtube and it showed the same behaviour so it may well be the halfshaft ends at the wheel end that are worn. another job for another day!!
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    juddering when coming to a halt

    well adjusted it today, so i'll give it a test drive tomorrow. noticed a lot of play in the rear diff so that'll be next on the agenda!!
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    juddering when coming to a halt

    thats what makes me think its the handbrake as it seems worse when i've driven for a while. going to check it today once it warms up a bit🥶
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    juddering when coming to a halt

  11. D

    juddering when coming to a halt

    yeah it takes about 3 to 4 clicks but it doesn't feel as positive as it did before it snapped, always feels like you need to get the final click for it to hold on a hill. i'll check that its actually releasing properly tomorrow
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    juddering when coming to a halt

    i was thinking maybe that as well as the handbrake cable was replaced a few weeks ago and may need adjusting, will check that at the weekend. cheers
  13. D

    juddering when coming to a halt

    Good evening hive mind, i've noticed a bit of juddering when coming to a stop in my 1997 110 defender van, feels like somethings holding back if that makes sense. this is without brakes on and with the car in neutral you can feel a juddering as if the engine was stalling when slowly rolling to...
  14. D

    Water pump leak???

    no need to apologise sir, i hope you get yours sorted soon..
  15. D

    Water pump leak???

    In better news, mine hasn't lost a drop of coolant since i replaced the hose clip. i do love a cheap fix!!!
  16. D

    What have you done on your 90/110/130 today?

    Lined my rear area (ooerr!!) with foam and foil insulation from ebay, done the top and sides will do the tub and floor soon, just as soon as my arms stop aching!!!
  17. D

    What have you done on your 90/110/130 today?

    i found these the other day, going to order them rather that some chinese ones from amazon - https://fourby.co.uk/epages/950004277.mobile/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/950004277/Products/DEF005
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    Freelander 1 The Holy Grail for 3 doors?

    looking on ebay they are going for 250 to 350, i'm looking for 200 + postage
  19. D

    Parts suppliers - its a minefield!!!

    cheers, i'll have a look. JLS isn't far from me but they don't list parts on their website i don't think, but i'll check them out. cheers