1. D

    Bumper removal and spotlight question

    will do, i'll see if i can find them
  2. D

    Bumper removal and spotlight question

    cheers, and good luck!!
  3. D

    Bumper removal and spotlight question

    yeah was planning to have a switched relay for them as well.
  4. D

    Bumper removal and spotlight question

    spot on, cheers dude
  5. D

    Bumper removal and spotlight question

    Hi there, just bought a secondhand A bar for the front bumper but just wondering how the bumper currently fixes before i launch into it. do the four bolts bolt down through the chassis to captive nuts? are these prone to breaking when force is applied? i've doused them in Bulldog BDX so...
  6. D

    What have you done on your 90/110/130 today?

    replaced bonnet release cable on the 110 , fiddly job made harder by a full width intercooler, still got it done and bonnet now opens sweetly!! also bought an A bar for the front bumper with spotlight mounts, perfect condition, 25 quid of FB marketplace. just got to see if it can get the bumper...
  7. D

    2nd battery locations in a 90

    nice setup, is the tray for flattening out the floor in the battery compartment? cheers
  8. D

    What have you done on your 90/110/130 today?

    Had a run up to Craddocks in Cannock before xmas to get rear shocks but none in stock so bought two new wiper blades and a bonnet release cable instead, swapped the wiper blades this morning, nice to be able to see out of the windscreen again!! put Rain-x on the windscreen as well which makes a...
  9. D

    2nd battery locations in a 90

    i was thinking the same for an 85AH AGM Leisure battery i took out my motorhome when i replaced it with a larger one. was thinking about putting it next to the starter battery if there is space and hooking up a split charge then running 12v to the back for lights, chargers etc. and also going to...
  10. D

    Rear shock PITA!!!

    its the thread that might be fecked, might need to run a die down it
  11. D

    Rear shock PITA!!!

    yeah that was a "just in case" i needed to order some new ones. i think i'll probably just buy a pair and whack them on.
  12. D

    Rear shock PITA!!!

    i probably would swap both if i needed to. it all depends on whether the nut goes back on after i've got it off.
  13. D

    Rear shock PITA!!!

    i wasn't planning on replacing it though, top bush is knackered so i was just going to replace the top and bottom bushes with poly ones. might order a pair then if i can't this one off then i've got a spare but send them back if i can get it off, rebushed then back in place
  14. D

    Rear shock PITA!!!

    i think an impact wrench might be on my xmas list!!
  15. D

    Rear shock PITA!!!

    i like those! i've got mole grips but they don't open up wide enough for the bottom shock body. i've got some plumbers pliers i can try , maybe tomorrow
  16. D

    Rear shock PITA!!!

    oh i can buy standard shocks no problem, i just want to make sure that i am replacing like for like
  17. D

    Rear shock PITA!!!

    Hi there, anyone know the length of the standard rear shock on a 110 defender Van 1997 300TDI when under compression? i tried to replace the bushes today but failed to get the bottom nut off, gripping the rod at the bottom i could get the 18mm nut to turn down but couldn't get it off the last...
  18. D

    What have you done on your 90/110/130 today?

    Fitted a snow cowl to the heater vent in. Tried to replace the bushes on my rear shocks but can't get bottom nut of the first one i tried!! now peed off!!
  19. D

    What have you done on your 90/110/130 today?

    i know i know!! i might do it sunday or next friday when i am off again. its warming up then. good luck with the washer jet, mine is loose but i think i'll have to take the radio out to get to the retaining nut, luckily i've got little hands so might be able to squeeze them in there.
  20. D

    What have you done on your 90/110/130 today?

    Replaced the aux belt on my 300tdi , easiest job in the world!!! having no fan helps! 2 minutes end to end. was going to do the new bushes on the rear shocks but its way too cold today!!