1. D

    Fitting a snorkel

    any idea where i order these from? and don't you need a special cover for the timing belt?
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    Fitting a snorkel

    i added the stickers as they came not fitted!! i did consider not fitting them but decided to, i can always remove them at a later date. the kit also came with a panel grommet but i can't work out where it actually goes!! i haven't extended the breathers yet, thats next on the list.
  3. D

    For Sale SOLD Freelander 1 shower cover - VUK500020

    Hi there, i have for sale a Shower cover for a Freelander 1 (part number is VUK500020, i bought it when i had my freelander but never used it. As far as i can tell its never been used. Looking for £200 which is way cheaper than any on Ebay. Located in West Midlands near Wolverhampton but can...
  4. D

    What have you done on your 90/110/130 today?

    Fitted an Offtrek snorkel/raised air intake. faff of a job which you need mr.tickle arms for, luckily i'm skinny lol. see pics @ https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/fitting-a-snorkel.392344/
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    Fitting a snorkel

    Well i fitted it today, the pipe goes into the convoluted pipe marked in yellow with the reducer between. pipes were a faff to get off as caked mud had turned to concrete, but once of and washed they softened to make it easier. needed a bit of bulldog BDX to make them a bit more slippy. not...
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    Landrover key

    try https://www.keymoon.uk/defender.html , i had a replacement door key of them, cut to code and a picture, spot on! they do ignition keys as well
  7. D

    Fitting a snorkel

    yeah i've been looking on Ebay, they seem to refer to them as a water trap, i assume to let excess water out rather than in. i'll take a look from underneath to see if it really is gauze, i just reached down to see what i could feel
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    Fitting a snorkel

    Hi there, i purchased an Offtrek "snorkel" of Ebay the other week and am just looking at how i install it. mounting it on the wing i have no issues with but not sure how to connect it up to the air intake pipes. It came with the pictured rubber hose and metal insert which i assume attaches to...
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    How do you clean your engine and bay??

    ha ha!! thats the best laugh i've had all day!!
  10. D

    How do you clean your engine and bay??

    Great advice, thankyou. its a TDi diesel so no dizzy to worry about. good plan for the airline, i haven't got one but do have a pump i got for blowing a paddling pool up and i use it for blowing the water off my motorbike once i've washed it. i'll remember to do a before and after. cheers Steve
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    How do you clean your engine and bay??

    evening all, any recommendations for cleaning engine and engine bay? i've always avoided doing this following a near disaster 30 years ago with a Talbot samba (long story!!) , but want to give my 110 300tdi a spruce up in the engine department. what potions do people recommend to shift oil...
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    300tdi temperature gauge

    so new sensor came, black top like the old one but was a bit longer, seemed to fit okay but did lose coolant when the old one came out, not a lot, just a jet escaped probably because it was still a bit warm and under pressure. new one had an o-ring as well so its tightened up and not leaking...
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    300tdi temperature gauge

    unfortunately no dice from the gauge when on a run so it looks like a new sender is needed. I assume its easy to fit and i won't lose too much coolant when i swap it over?
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    300tdi temperature gauge

    finally managed to get time today to poke around. tried to earth the cable to get the gauge to work but it wasn't doing anything so i cut back the sender wire and put on an extension, grounded it to the engine and the temperate gauge goes all the way up so at least i know the gauge is good...
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    What have you done on your 90/110/130 today?

    Thats a shame they were broken, luckily mine all seem to be good so the bulb swap was easy.
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    What have you done on your 90/110/130 today?

    Changed the speedo, gauge and clock bulbs for LED's from Fourby (link below) , easy enough to fit, recommend taking the speedo cable off in order to give more wiggle room. definitely brighter and can't wait to see what they are like at night. got them of their Ebay store as they were slightly...
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    300tdi temperature gauge

    great advice from everyone thanks!!, i'll give it a try as soon as the blooming rain stops!!
  18. D

    300tdi temperature gauge

    Hi there, my temperature gauge on my 110 300Tdi is reading 0 even when warm, only happened in the last few days. i have disconnected the wire from the sender in the thermostat housing and put a multimeter across it from the cable to earth and its reading 12v, but when i connect the multimeter...
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    1997 defender interior light

    update, appears that the earth is okay and its the switch at fault. if i push upwards on the door switch it lights up so obviously either needs a new one or a good contact clean if i can get into it. The interior light comes on with the door closed but only with a wiggle of the on/door/off...
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    1997 defender interior light

    cheers good sir, i'll check them out tomorrow and give them a good cleanup