1. C

    Defender dash

    Yes, post a pic so we can advise/riddicule. Col
  2. C

    I would just like to say

    There's your problem, right there Col
  3. C


    Welcome to landyzone. Col
  4. C

    Water to oil ratio

    Looks like bits of indent springs Col
  5. C

    Crankshaft Pulley....death rattle

    Would'nt too much heat have a detrimental affect on the front crank seal? Col
  6. C

    Crankshaft Pulley....death rattle

    You'll probably need a 6ft extension. Col
  7. C

    Freelander 1 Timing Belt Change

    I dunno about that, there seem to be plenty on here who have trouble. One mistake could be disasterous. Col
  8. C

    Freelander 1 Timing Belt Change

    You're probably right but for someone who has never done it and having to work out on the road in unpredictable weather and without the special tools, its most likey to take all day. My local indie quoted me £300 to change the belt, tensioner and water pump about 3 years ago when I had my...
  9. C

    Freelander 1 Timing Belt Change

    When I read cam belt changes threads like this, I start to think the cost of getting a garage to do it is justifyable. Col
  10. C

    40 year Mot exemption

    I didnt have to do anything. Dvla contacted me said it was now classed as historic, sent me a new v5 and told me to destroy the old one. Col
  11. C

    I would just like to say

    Bloody brummies. Col
  12. C

    I would just like to say

    Dont he say "is it a verisure?" And the other pair of poofs say "YES" COL
  13. C

    My bonnet

    Ouch!!. I only had my wheel mounted on the bonnet for a few days. Bugger that for a laugh. Col
  14. C

    I would just like to say

    Cant you just put subtitles up? Col
  15. C

    I would just like to say

    Yeah, but they dont punch as hard. Col
  16. C

    I would just like to say

    You'll need a wide angle lens. Col
  17. C

    I would just like to say

    18 inches!! Ive seen grand pianos with thinner legs than that. Col
  18. C

    I would just like to say

    Well, I dont wish to sound ungentlemanly, but earlier, you described yourself as chunky so it must stay in for a bit Col
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    Freelander 2 (LR2) Starting problem 2010 HSE auto

    Just as a matter of interest, what is the right procedure for removing the key from the dock? I used a company pool car once, a bmw with a key dock. When I returned it, I couldnt get the key out. Brute force got it out in the end. Ive never had or used a.car with a key dock since. Col
  20. C

    Series 3 Mythical '369' series 5MB diesel engine - can anyone shed any light?

    I dont know about the rover factory but there was a time at the Austin factory in Longbridge where some engines went missing before their numbers had been stamped on. Mostly mini engines but I think also Allegro engines and later Meastro engines Col