1. C

    What do I do with my Defender ?

    I have to keep reminding my wife thats its not always using a thing thats important but the owning of it. Keep it. Col
  2. C

    Hi all

    You're not planning on washing it are you? Welcome aboard. Col
  3. C

    I would just like to say

    My missus is always complaining about something she thinks.we need that we dont have. Ive managed to put a.stop to it though. Ive told her I want a fully grown male lion. I found.one for sale in Pakistan $10,000 plus.associated.costs. I enquired about all the necessary permits.and wild animal...
  4. C

    I would just like to say

    Thanks for clearing that up Col
  5. C

    I would just like to say

    Is that why fat birds stink of strong perfume? Col
  6. C

    I would just like to say

    Is that the name of your torch? Col
  7. C

    Disco 1 Satellite holder

    You could replace the fuse with a bolt and wait to see where the fire starts. Messy but quick fault finding technique commonly practiced in brum. Col
  8. C

    New Member - Looking for a 90 Pick Up

    Will he get a fully assembled bike in the back of a 90? My feeling is not, I can only just get one in the back of my 109 Col
  9. C

    I would just like to say

    Phew! Thats alright then, I envisaged them dainty pixie boot things birds used to wear. Col
  10. C

    I would just like to say

    Happy birthday Dan, the whisky and port sound good but ankle boots, wtf are ankle boots Col
  11. C

    2.25 Diesel cuts out when warm

    Yes, I think so. I was once a mechanic on the birmingham buses. The powers that be thought us lowly mechanics were too thick to mess about with injection pumps so they were always sent to a specialist team for repair. The cav pumps of the day often showed symptoms similar to yours after they had...
  12. C

    2.25 Diesel cuts out when warm

    I think your fuel pump has gone out of adjustment slightly. I know you have had it rebuilt/reconditioned but it needs.looking at again. Col
  13. C

    I would just like to say

    I read once that you have to run for about 10 miles to burn off the calorific equivelant to a mars bar. The gym seemed pointless after I learnt that cos there arent enough hours in the day. Col
  14. C

    I would just like to say

    Normally I'd agree but Ive got a gas bill pending. Col
  15. C

    Much advice needed! (WARNING, NEWBIE IDIOT!!!!)

    Overcoming the mechanical limitations is one thing, overcoming the feeling the thing is going to fall to bits at 60mph is another. The brakes, suspension and chassis where all designed to cope with speeds up to about 60 when it was new, after that controlling it in an emergency e.g emergency...
  16. C

    I would just like to say

    Its raining here too, still, its better than the freezing cold. Col
  17. C

    2.25 Diesel cuts out when warm

    Series fuel guage sender units are notoriously inaccurate. You need to pull it out of the tank, check to make.sure the float hasnt got any fuel in it and then bend the float arm a little to improve its accuracy. If that dont work, a new sender is needed. I put a new one in my petrol 109 but I...
  18. C

    I would just like to say

    Enjoy yourself Col
  19. C

    Much advice needed! (WARNING, NEWBIE IDIOT!!!!)

    Well, the gearbox would be my main worry. Even with a normal 2.25 engine, you have to treat the gearbox with a bit of care. Then there is the diff. The later sailsbury diffs are betterer but they are about 50 years old now and who knows what ki d of life they have had. Ex army vehicles may (or...
  20. C

    I would just like to say

    I seem to have a bit of a hangover. I was forced to take part in family festivities all bloody day yesterday, woke up this morning to a stack of washing up I dunno if the vegans are coming back today. I'l. Say one thing for vegans, they love drinking other peoples booze. Col