1. C

    hey guys, signed up for interesting problem.

    Welcome to landyzone, my wife used to live in Little Rock before returning to England. Sometimes I wish she still lived there. Col
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    A new what? The price seems too good to be true, unless the new thing it needs is an engine. Col
  3. C

    Rear Number Plate Lamp

    I bought an led replacement unit from ebay, it was a tight fit and one of the retaining screws didnt quite line up but it got through the mot. I cant remember how much it cost but it was definately cheap. Col
  4. C

    Filling your orifices with ep90

    I know years ago big power presses that had phosphabronze bushes and bearings needed special lubrication. A factory I worked at ran a couple of their 100 ton presses on a non recommended lube and the bearings failed within a year. Col
  5. C

    Filling your orifices with ep90

    I thought the wrong gl grade was bad for the phophabronze bearings in the gear box. Col
  6. C

    Discovery td5 auto not firing

    I meant the pump that feeds the injectors. Col
  7. C

    Filling your orifices with ep90

    Just as long as you know there are two different types of ep90. Although some say it makes no difference. Col
  8. C

    I would just like to say

    The last time a female said that to me, there was a misunderstanding and I ended up with a slapped mush Col
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    I would just like to say

    What we need to give a qualified answer to this riddle is a teacher but where might we find one. Col
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    Discovery td5 auto not firing

    The one on the hp pump Col
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    Filling your orifices with ep90

    Are you using.the right ep90? Col
  12. C

    I would just like to say

    That seems very expensive for haggis. I wasnt aware it.came on a roll. Col
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    Series 3 Rear crank oil seal series 3

    Well, if you get a definative answer, come back here and let us know, if you you would be so kind. Col
  14. C

    Series 3 Rear crank oil seal series 3

    I dont know for sure but I would have thought the seals for 3 & 5 main bearing engines would be the same. I hope so anyway cos Ive got the 5mb seals in my spares box ready to go in my 3mb engine at some point in the distant future Col
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    Discovery td5 auto not firing

    Have you opened the bleed screw to see if fuel comes out of there when cranked? Col
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    Discovery td5 auto not firing

    Is there any fuel in it? Col
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    Timing belt should I

    Stuff all that for a laugh Col
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    I would just like to say

    Apart from the fuel economy Col
  19. C

    Defender 90 horn wont stop sounding - help

    Could be a short circuit in the horn button or associated wiring. Removing the fuse should keep it quiet, if you are not handy with a test meter, you probably need to get an auto electrician to sort it. The only time my horn sounds is during the mot test, so you probably wont miss it. Col