1. C

    I would just like to say

    My dream bike. I sincerely wish I had bought one ten years ago when they was affordable. Col
  2. C

    Foot well water

    If I didnt get water in my footwell after a downpour, Id start panicking. Col
  3. C

    Moving my car from Ukraine

    Welcome to landyzone, a forum for experts and the hard of thinking alike. Keep clear of the 'anything goes section' until you develop a British sense of humour and a thick skin. Commiserations on ending up in London. Col
  4. C

    Dash-cam shenanigans

    On some cameras, they have a built in power supply that keeps the camera operative for a while and wakes it up if summat disturbs it. So even if the wired power supply is off, the camera still has some life in it, for a while anyway. My old cheapo dashcams were like this but I dunno about...
  5. C

    Series sticking of fish - barn

    Its not the smell that would put me off buying it, its the probability of needing a new gearbox and anything else yet unknown. Unless you can source a cheap box and have the resources to change/fix it. Col
  6. C

    Its the simple things (Usually the simple thing working on the engine)

    My biggest waste of time was not long after I first started driving, about 50 odd years ago. My newish mk1 escort wouldnt start. I changed everything electrical but still nothing. Took the carb off to give it a good clean still nothing, neighbour strolls over to see what I was swearing at, "is...
  7. C

    Engine broken care to have a guess

    Ive watched a few of their videos, always educational and entertaining, he knows his stuff. Col
  8. C

    I would just like to say

    Good morning to you too Col
  9. C

    Freelander 2 (LR2) 'Normal' fuel consumption

    My old F1 petrol would easily get 30mpg and 35 if I drove it steady, admittedly it only had an1800cc engine but I had to drive it harder to get any decent performance out of it. I would have thought a decent diesel fl2 would get over 40mpg if driven steadily. Col
  10. C

    Series 3 1973 S3 109 with TDi engine - valuation for a friend

    Id say 8 to 10k. It still needs some stuff doing but overall its very nice. A lot would depend on the condition of the engine, transmission brakes and steering. For 12k I would expect a series 3 to be pretty much perfect, they dont have the rareity value of a series 1 or the appeal of the 2. Col
  11. C

    Series 3 gear problems

    The clutch isnt expensive but its a bugger of a job to do. Im dreading the day I might have to do mine. I believe it is possible to do it by sliding the gearbox back enough to get at it but usually the gearbox needs to be removed from inside the vehicle unless you are lucky enough to have a...
  12. C

    Freelander 1 Mysterious clunk?? Solved

    The drag link balk joints fail very quickly if the are britpart, mine only lasted a couple of.months before they started clunking again Col
  13. C

    fuel gauging issues

    It depends where the previous owner bought the replacement sender, quite a few are duff straight out of the box. My replacement series sender tells me I have more petrol the further I drive it. A full tank read between half and three quarters full, when I get down to half a tank, the gauge says...
  14. C

    Engine sounds different after latest service

    Wise man, good luck Col
  15. C

    I would just like to say

    The whole thing is nothing short of scandalous. I really feel for low income families with small children, I dont know how some peeps are managing Col
  16. C

    I would just like to say

    Aint it about time you took some of them books back to the library, the fine will be enormous. Col
  17. C

    I would just like to say

    My central heating is costing about £12-£13 per day and it is off at night and part of the day. Leaving it on 21 degrees 24 hours a day seems like a distant dream now Col
  18. C

    Insurance renewal - what adds cost to the premium

    What size spacers are you considering? Spacers and offroading doesnt seem like good combination to me. Col
  19. C

    I would just like to say

    15 minutes dont seem long for chicken, did you check the meat temperature? I usually give it 20 mins when thawed. Col