1. C

    Later Defender or Discovery alloy wheels compatible with 1988 Defenders?

    I fitted defender wheels to my series 3 about 5 years ago. The wheels came from a brand new defender at that time, the owner wanted fancy wheels before he took delivery so I bought the originals from the dealer. Tottot is correct, the defender wheels must be a bit thicker cos there is no stud...
  2. C

    Rebuilt gearbox

    Good luck. Im sure it will be better with the oil in it and after it has been run in a little. Col
  3. C

    I would just like to say

    Will do Col
  4. C

    I would just like to say

    Yes but I was so annoyed with it, it didnt deserved to be spelt right. I'll try cutting it back, ta Col
  5. C

    Rebuilt gearbox

    You have put oil innit aintchya? Col
  6. C

    I would just like to say

    Just uncovered my fusia from its protective winter fleece. Bloody thing is as dead as a dodo Col
  7. C

    New owner - driving question

    Unfortunately, mine is a 109, station wagon, so its an heavy beast to haul in and out of parking spaces. Forward planing is the key. Col
  8. C

    New owner - driving question

    There are steering stops on the series and they should be adjusted so the wheels dont foul at full lock. Unfortunately, ham fisted owners sometimes snap them off when trying to adjust them when they are seized up with crud and rust. Mine is such an example. I just keep the steering wheel about a...
  9. C

    I would just like to say

    Oh well, when you're a kid, you'll try anything, sometimes only once, like parma violets. Col
  10. C

    Freelander 1 Aircon not working after gassing up.

    Im surprised the compressors is still working if the aircon was last used 4 years ago. When I bought my fl1 I discovered the ac wasnt working so I went to a local garage that specialises in regassing and ac service work. They regassed it twice but it didnt work. Their conclusion was the...
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    I would just like to say

    Having worked in the chemical industry for nearly 30 years, I avoid artificially flavoured fake food snacks like the plague. Col
  12. C

    Newbury 4x4 Show, 110XS stolen [!!]

    It'll probably turn up at next years show, spread over several stalls. Col
  13. C

    Where to get a chassis swap?

    At the very least, it would be sensible to replace all the brake lines and fuel lines. Col
  14. C

    I Need Help to make a Decision!! - 2.25 5mb petrol or 2.5n/a diesel????

    Well you may be right but I doubt very if much that the spark plugs will last ten years in such an old engine unless you can keep the timing spot on and internal engine wear is negligable. I remember cars of the 70's needing new plugs almost every year. As for the engine swap, Ive never tried...
  15. C

    I Need Help to make a Decision!! - 2.25 5mb petrol or 2.5n/a diesel????

    The.downside.of.a v8 is the.additional cost of consumables such as spark plugs and leads and if the carbs need balancing, it can be a nightmare if you dont know what you are doing. Replacing a standard 2.25 with a v8 isnt as straightforward as some peeps make out. Col
  16. C

    I Need Help to make a Decision!! - 2.25 5mb petrol or 2.5n/a diesel????

    My 109 station wagon is 2.25 petrol and gets about 18 mpg. It also has a.couple.of.cylinders with low pressure but it will get up to 60 mph and will keep at 30 on steep hills in third gear. Mine has an electronic dizzy which does seem to help. The more sound proofing you add, the better. I...
  17. C

    Insurance cost

    If the bloody things were'nt so unreliable, there wouldnt be such a lucratative market i dodgy second hand parts. Col
  18. C

    Disco 3 (LR3) Can I replace the fob battery for my LR3/D3?

    You will probably find the battery is not the cause of the faulty fob so unfortunately, you will be left with the expensive task of getting a new one. Col
  19. C

    I would just like to say

    I did summat similar. A day after a hernia operation, (not the modern keyhole surgery type) I was man--handling a ceramic sink unit and popped my stitches. Seeing as it was a bank holiday, I didnt bother going to the gp for 3 days, by then it had gone septic, doctor gave me a right bolloking but...
  20. C

    Rear bench seat (SWB) with a plywood base?

    My 1977 series 3 station wagon has a rear bench seat with a wooden base and back panal. It is on a hinged frame so that the seat can be pushed up against the front seats and the back folded down. Its bloody heavy and awkward to manouvre. Col