1. C

    Series 2 Mobile phone holder

    I think you are all very brave, driving a series so far that you need a sat nav Col
  2. C

    Series 3 Cylinder head removal (109 2.6L petrol)

    Yes, I agree with V8, a tap with a mallet usually shifts them. When you say.water pump, do you mean the thermostat housing? Just removing and replacing the head shouldnt disturb the timing unless the 2.5 engine is overhead cam, which I doubt but yes, I still determine tdc by sticking a long...
  3. C

    Insurance renewal - what adds cost to the premium

    I made the comment about ulez free cars being small and underpowered because I have a feeling Freddie would only like to be seen in a gas guzzler. Col
  4. C

    Series 3 dead electrics then smoke from component on jump starting

    You cant have enough earth connections on a series. Make sure any new cable you use for earths is good and thick. Welding cable is good and tends to be cheaper than battery connector cable Col
  5. C

    Seat back fixings (series 3 109)

    Its amazing how prices have risen for series bits. If I had the space, Id take mine apart and sell the bits. Probably worth 50x more in pieces compared to the vehicle as a whole Col
  6. C

    Aftermarket electric fuel pump? Any recommendations for a replacement?

    I agree. As far as I can tell, the only real issue with the original mechanical pump is when you leave the vehicle unused for a couple of weeks and fuel seems to drain out of the pump and back towards the tank. Priming it by hand is a pain. When this happens, I just pour some petrol straight...
  7. C

    Insurance renewal - what adds cost to the premium

    There are plenty of ic engined cars that are ulez free, the trouble is they tend to be small and underpowered. My skoda fabia escapes congestion charges and is dirt cheap to insure, less than £100. If its a car thats rarely used, you dont need anything flash Col
  8. C

    Throttle Linkage

    The socket has probably gone a bit oversize through age and rust. The best solution is to try to source another Col
  9. C

    Start up advice

    If it doesnt normally need any choke, the mixture.might be running too rich. Col
  10. C

    Start up advice

    Mine always needs the choke pulled fully out unless the engine is already warm. I push it back in small increments, usually all the way in after a few minutes. I also pump the throttle pedal a couple of times before starting and then feather it when it fires up. I dont get a petrol smell in the...
  11. C

    Series 3 Body Removal

    Sometimes you're better off not knowing. Just saying. Col
  12. C

    Series 3 s

    If the engine seems to be turning over reasonably quickly and there is fuel in the tank, it must be a lack of fuel to the pump. Maybe a duff low pressure pump or blocked filter/fuel line. Try it with the fuel tank filler cap removed. If its been stood unused for some time, the low pressure pump...
  13. C


    And maybe a dead cat stuck on the grill Col
  14. C

    2.4 electrics

    Whenever I'm looking for summat I've lost, the wife always says "it will be where you left it" as if that's at all helpful. I reply, "yes I effin know that but I dont know where I effin left it do I, ya silly cow" Col
  15. C

    Forum Upgrade April 2023

    Crap, summat else to get used to Col
  16. C

    Meet Noel

    W well done on your progress but my sympathies for your loss. Col
  17. C

    I would just like to say

    Maybe your disco is protesting about its enforced stay in France being a true spirit of Britishness. Us true Brits still havent forgiven them for the Norman conquest, Napoleon and Sacha Distel Col
  18. C

    Have I blown the switches

    Its unlikely that the switches have blown if they still feel ok. Despite not have relays, the standard landy switches on a series are fairly robust. However, there have been reports of aftermarket switches being a bit dodgy. Col
  19. C

    Clonky Clunk!!!

    This is true, if I have to stop on a steepish hill, my engine speed at tickover gets so slow I have to keep blipping the throttle to prevent the engine cutting out. Col
  20. C

    Clonky Clunk!!!

    You, or some willing volunteer needs to get underneath with a pry bar and look for any joint with excessive movement. Personally, as long as the wheel nuts are tight, I would leave it until summat drops off. Not familiar with weber carbs, my only knowledge of them on a series is to avoid them...