1. xDParis64

    Hello Again! (SOLVED, Engine replacement)

    Really working up a sweat today in this very hot room, decided that the cylinder head and tools would come with me to the computer today to remove the old exhaust camshaft from my broken engine as the brand new second hand one is a post 2001 model so needs to be converted from the wasted spark...
  2. xDParis64

    Main relay keeps clicking sound and engine wont start.

    Air Fuel Spark Timing The 4 things any engine NEEDS to function outside of silly electronics I would recommend testing each part you can test air by putting your throttle to the floor when starting the engine and you can test fuel by spraying some form of combustible fluid into the air intake...
  3. xDParis64

    Hello Again! (SOLVED, Engine replacement)

    Pretty sure having done what I have on this car, I think mechanically wise I have touched every bolt other than silly ones like at the back of the dash, done full brakes > Rear diff and diff mounts > engine mounts > Gearbox > Propshaft like 6 times > Drive shafts > front sub frame > lift kit >...
  4. xDParis64

    Hello Again! (SOLVED, Engine replacement)

    Hey all. This is becoming a big post and it is only starting 😂 Tonight I got the engine out, the engine crane has not arrived but we do it anyway until we putting the other engine in but came out nice and smooth with no major hiccups may need to re-wire the alternator plug (Not the thick...
  5. xDParis64

    Noise gone but prop shaft queries abound

    Hey. I would strongly recommend reading here about testing the Propshaft with the One Wheel up Test (OWUT) https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/tests-new-freelander-1-owners-should-do-on-their-car.312863/ However for your other questions the bearings are meant to be smooth and free, if they...
  6. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 K-series 1.8 Fly wheel

    Hey! Not sure on the actual issue but the early model has no cam sensor the crank sensor is on the back of the engine (intake side) tucked away, really hard to find when the engine is in.
  7. xDParis64

    Hello Again! (SOLVED, Engine replacement)

    It's all good anyway, getting an engine soon and will hopefully have 'er up and running soon, will be updating here!
  8. xDParis64

    Aux pulley question

    My suggestion would be looking at what is attached close to the pulleys. Sometimes a water pump pulley will have coolant lines on the other side of the block but not always the case, similar things go for the power steering, I don't have a F2 but from experience with the cars I do have you can...
  9. xDParis64

    Hello Again! (SOLVED, Engine replacement)

    Hey! I did take a look at what they were offering as my brother actually works there as a manager, but they got rid of 'em recently only Landy's they have at the moment are: Along with parts looking like this: Appreciate the thought though!
  10. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 PSCAN

    No problems, Would still be good to see how it actually works, if you have the time on hand!
  11. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 PSCAN

    That would be brilliant! already emailed them saying it is not fit for purpose, but would be good to see how it actually works especially if you have any pre-2001 Freelander's as I believe that is the same MEMS1.9 ECU that I've got in mine...?
  12. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 PSCAN

    Appreciate it! I have been looking over their website and it seems I should have an old laptop only had my Icarsoft a few months, hoping I can return it but we shall see! the Pscan looks promising! Thank you!
  13. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 PSCAN

    Speaking on this, I bought an Icarsoft V2 which I was told at the time would read the OBD on the Freelander 1 I have, but it did not and actually performs really poorly in my opinion, can't really do anything not even with my 2013 Nissan Is the PScan any good? What can it do? I think from what...
  14. xDParis64

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    What did I do today? Broke it. 😂
  15. xDParis64

    Hello Again! (SOLVED, Engine replacement)

    The Pear shaping is entirely my fault, will take this a learning opportunity. But this is for sure a Project, we just had her name plastered on the back of the door! So even the missus still wants it!!! It will be a minute and even though the car is not financially a good Idea I would like to...
  16. xDParis64

    Hello Again! (SOLVED, Engine replacement)

    Well... I didn't think this would come so soon 😅 For those that don't care about the essay I am about to post don't click the links below as these posts show the series of events (TLDR at the bottom); https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/right.392366/#post-5696058 < Here I bought the Landy...
  17. xDParis64

    Head Gasket / Cylinder Gone??

    I have tried to turn the engine over and it turned with all cylinders having good compression. But after some time turning it over again revealed a very tight spot which I could not turn through, I won't be at the car again for a while, but when cranking it, it still sounds okay it has oil...
  18. xDParis64

    Head Gasket / Cylinder Gone??

    Had look around and for the dizzy model of 1.8 K Series I cannot find any inkling on the location of the cam sensor, should I check the crank sensor too?
  19. xDParis64

    Head Gasket / Cylinder Gone??

    So it took a while but I got the head off and the gasket changed, it all seemed okay, got everything back together, however the car now still cranks/turns-over but does not start it is just refusing to start. I think something is missing... I thought that because I had a slight misfire while...
  20. xDParis64

    Head Gasket / Cylinder Gone??

    I spoke with Dmgrs and they have helped quite a lot, explained that I should use engine oil on the threads however most now come with pre oiled and if oiling them myself then only use a small amount on the end of the threads, after after hearing the failure recommended an Elasto-polymer gasket...