1. xDParis64

    205/65R15 good to go on Freelander ?

    They'd be a smaller tyre so they may interfere with your speed-o-meter as long as you abide by any speed-o-meter regulations in your country as they can only be so far out, I use something like google maps to measure "real" speed when installing smaller or bigger wheels/tyres on my cars. Be...
  2. xDParis64

    Noises from behind when full steering

    It was quite a pain for me to get that one in on mine, quite impressed they fitted it in reverse???
  3. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Spare Key Urgently Needed

    If you are in the UK Timpson's can clone the key for you or at least they quoted me that they could, however I replaced the battery on my fob and that fixed mine...
  4. xDParis64

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Haha! Don't learn if you don't try 😂 Ah pop rivets are a really good idea! might need to do that instead... Thanks!
  5. xDParis64

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Followed your guide to install them!!! :p But yeah the replacement handle is a grab, so much easier, gonna get a family friend to weld up that rust so I can paint over it and prevent it happening again, I presume it happens when tightening down the bolt it scratches the paint then water gets...
  6. xDParis64

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Replaced the rear glass to the new one now and it closes itself nicely, need a new rear handle though, my one was 100% broken in about 16 places, so that need to be renewed, the rust is quite bad so may need some welding to sort but nothing I can't fix. Glass Everywhere Also Removed the 50-60...
  7. xDParis64

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    I mean at the same time 😂 one then the other, I always replace brakes in either pairs or full sets, normally if they are rotors all round then full sets but if it's FWD then really only need to do 2 at a time but always replace in at least pairs! Did the drums on my one only about 6 months ago...
  8. xDParis64

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    I refuse to do 2 drums at a time! I can't even keep track of 4 bolts let alone 2 drums and all their silly springs and installation order 😂
  9. xDParis64

    Rear Door Questions.

    Don't tempt me!!! I really don't need another, have bought 3 already 😂
  10. xDParis64

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    That's a shame! Had this on mine, I would adjust it and it would after a few miles of driving stretch again, turns out it was actually the self adjuster pushing the shoes away from the handbrake causing a little binding. £30 to fix
  11. xDParis64

    Rear Door Questions.

    Appreciate the recommendation, I will have to find something similar in the UK!
  12. xDParis64

    Rear Door Questions.

    I presume it is 100% worth treating the rust hole with some sandpaper and paint? before I put it all back together?
  13. xDParis64

    Rear Door Questions.

    Pictures abound: You can see the spring replacement clearly did not work for very long... Then the rust hole big enough for the nut to go through: Tis' falling to bits and needs replacement
  14. xDParis64

    Rear Door Questions.

    Don't have any right now, could always grab some after work later though
  15. xDParis64

    Rear Door Questions.

    Hey all! I am working on getting this silly rear door back to fully working again but I am having many troubles I think the main issue stems from the huge rust hole in the door handle carrier. Now the door handle has fallen off again we need this sorted. To those that have purchased new rear...
  16. xDParis64

    Noises from behind when full steering

    Totally unrelated and unhelpful but I love the green! Do you have the colour code?
  17. xDParis64

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Ordered some new rear glass for this weekend which will be installing and adjusting that for a few hours after it decided to explode last week.
  18. xDParis64

    Back door issues

    Anyone can get in just need a replacement back on order as when the door is stuck shut it is alot of horrible angles to get to it
  19. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Creaking noise when turning FL1

    Best thing to do would be get it in the air and test / inspect it, and the OWUT as Andy mentioned;
  20. xDParis64

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Just looking to get glass from somewhere but closed the door and it just popped!