1. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Skid Plate Bolt Sizes + Engine Compression

    Yeah oil was on the end of the plug, everything else was bone dry and other than oil all the plugs looked very good, I will get my endoscope down there ASAP and see from where the oil is leaking if obvious but honestly probably not going to fix it for a while... really bored of this whole...
  2. xDParis64

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Replaced RHS Engine mount as it had perished.
  3. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Skid Plate Bolt Sizes + Engine Compression

    Run a compression test got the following for all 4 cylinders. 1: 200PSI 2: 200PSI 3: 185PSI 4: 175PSI So they are all looking really good, however cylinder 4 spark plug had a lot of oil on it, so it looks like cylinder 4 is burning oil so I imagine that would probably be the oil control ring...
  4. xDParis64

    Silicon Hose Kit

    Got them installed! Quality? 7/10 Ease? 4/10 General recommendation? They are good. They're not excellent and not "easy" to put on as some of them are thicker tubing than they are wide inside but that is fine, they seem to be damaged quite easily but I have no other silicone hoses to compare...
  5. xDParis64

    Need some knowledge about FL1

    And it has the wide kit from factory! That you have there sir is an artifact 😂
  6. xDParis64

    Need some knowledge about FL1

    Now this isn't helpful, but if you ever want to sell the L Series let me know 😂 I swear I cannot find a single one of these things in the UK...!
  7. xDParis64

    Exhaust diameter

    ;) https://www.muddymods.com/collections/freelander-1/products/1-8-slimline-performance-back-box
  8. xDParis64

    Silicon Hose Kit

    Hey! They only came into stock 30 mins ago very sought after supposedly but I do have a link, https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/183652152813?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=9PJ2GUH9Q7y&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=57HDuBpbQfy&var=691120264780&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Have ordered them...
  9. xDParis64

    Silicon Hose Kit

    Well I guess that settles it then haha!
  10. xDParis64

    Silicon Hose Kit

    They aren't too expensive anymore, they used to be hundreds but now they are going at £120 which is sure more than normal, but... They look sooo nice! 😂
  11. xDParis64

    Silicon Hose Kit

    Hey all! I am installing a new Thermostat on my Pre 2001 Xei but will need the new hoses and was looking at spicing it up a bit, has anyone used the kit from Stoney Racing, are they any good? If there is any mod I like it is coloured coolant hoses. Thank you!
  12. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Auto 1.8

    This is the one: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/315640840914?_skw=transfer&itmmeta=01JBW8XEX12W7NHP3WQSWNTWK9&hash=item497da902d2:g:xBMAAOSwnLRmqeL3 be careful though, I cannot be sure on their reliability or even if it works to begin with
  13. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Auto 1.8

    Quite the distance but I saw some guy on Ebay offering a "good" IRD from a post facelift for £75 as I bought an engine from them to tear down but didn't want the IRD... In Manchester
  14. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Skid Plate Bolt Sizes + Engine Compression

    This is actually what we are tempted to do, not sure if we will go with some 1.5mm Aluminium or something like treadplate as we can make them look really good!
  15. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Skid Plate Bolt Sizes + Engine Compression

    Thank you! Looks like in my order for bolts I ordered most of those bolts. Compression check is a very good idea didn't think of that, will get on it. My thought is that the engine say for a while and ib didn't take it apart before installing just ran an engine flush through it and a...
  16. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Skid Plate Bolt Sizes + Engine Compression

    Hey all! I spent the last 5 ish hours getting bolt sizes and ordering hundreds of bolts for not only spares but since replacing the engine gearbox and Prop I have lost many-a-bolt Mainly the skid plate bolts, I had them in a tub, and as the car has been off the road for about 6 months during...
  17. xDParis64

    Freelander 2 (LR2) Freelander 2 Clutch replacement difficulty?

    I was thinking about this and understood that the flywheel almost always needs replacing or surfacing, though I don't think that is viable on the FL2 Flywheel as it is divot-ed, however in my Nissan Juke, I recently fitted a "UniClutch" and it was great! granted much more expensive than the...
  18. xDParis64

    Freelander 2 (LR2) Freelander 2 Clutch replacement difficulty?

    Hey all! Bit of an unusual one from me, I have my eyes on a TD4 FL2 that is going for £650 with only 60K Miles on the clock as the clutch has gone and they cannot afford to change it, how hard is a clutch replacement? I believe that LUK is a decent brand? Do correct me if I am wrong. My...
  19. xDParis64

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Took her for a long drive to Ikea still bedding in the new clutch, got about 100 miles to go, she lacks a little power with some blowby but hoping a few oil changes should sort that out looking to buy another motor for parts that broke on mine found a good one about 3 hours away so that's next...
  20. xDParis64

    205/65R15 good to go on Freelander ?

    Damage to the Propshaft and VCU (4WD) applies to all wheels and tyres! Always replace in 4's if you are using 4WD