1. xDParis64

    VCU test result + Lift Kit

    Hey all! I have my Forever Land Rover and just want to let you all know what I have done and had a few question along the way. I will make sure to bold any questions so y'all can help without having to read me yap on 😅 1. So this Saturday I performed a 1 wheel up test on my VCU and from...
  2. xDParis64


    If you are anywhere near and are able to get the door trim off I can sure help getting it unlocked for you, I am near Southampton
  3. xDParis64


    Thank you! really helpful information, will look at getting this all sorted, will test the prop, replace bearings, I read that the clunk on gear change is the rear centre diff mount so I will look to replacing that too. I will check out that Freelander 1 first owners thing :) Appreciate the...
  4. xDParis64


    My work around was I snapped the door off the bottom of the screws after about 6 hours of trying to unscrew them, I then used what was left of the screws to screw it back on (They were ripped and a little bent)
  5. xDParis64


    hey, the return spring on the actuator had corroded and no longer pulled the actuator so when closed the door would not open as the ECU still thought it was open (The spring had not returned) I installed a spring to the actuator bar to some random plastic bit in the actuator housing to pull the...
  6. xDParis64


    Good Morning, afternoon, whatever. I need help. I bought a cheap Freelander 1 1.8 Petrol K series. I understand NO ONE likes the 1.8 petrol, however there are already a few things I have done. I uprated the head gasket as I read that these ones have a ****ty one standard and blow them every...