1. discool

    Discovery 1 MAF 14 CUX

    We are talking model years of vehicle not registration date. 1994 was a bit of a mix& match with the D1 a few of the new 95MY had the 94 wiring of the 200 series still. The electrical terminations at the EFI ECU is different between the two model years… for starters. When the disco was...
  2. discool

    Discovery 1 MAF 14 CUX

    The fuel regulator is a basic mechanical valve operated by vacuum from the plenum chamber, basically if the fuel pressure exceeds the spec. the valve operates and petrol is returned back to the tank. Simples and effective.Is the vacuum pipe is ok and connected with out any leaks There is no...
  3. discool

    Discovery 1 MAF 14 CUX

    That MAF sensor wiring colour code above is for the 1994MY 3.9. The 1995MY (300series) introduced in June 94 in the UK, has different wiring colour codes. So I’m hoping the info you’re referring to is correct but I expect its similar, but it’s worth checking your on the correct page😊
  4. discool

    Discovery 1 MAF 14 CUX

    Correct, the CO adjusted is sealed, that because the EFI ECU looks after everything on the 3.9… so no need to touch. Although the early 3.5 RR was different, it had caps that could be prised off and they even had a part number. My 3.5 RR started having thick black smoke starting from cold, It...
  5. discool

    Range Rover Classic plastic inserts

    No doubt the items were obsolete long ago 🤔
  6. discool

    Disco 2 Why is driver’s side LOWER than passenger?

    It appears the D2 V8 front suspension springs are not ‘handed’… if correct its the same as the D1 V8 and the early petrol engine RRs.
  7. discool

    Coolant pipes

    All of them if their condition is doubtful 😊
  8. discool

    BEST Td5 Water Pump?

    Not necessary, my discos water pump bearing failed around 40,000 miles, but an LR branded item means the replacement will fit😊
  9. discool

    BEST Td5 Water Pump?

    You don't say if you checked your vehicles viscous fan was fully functioning, so we have to assume you did. There are only three failures the pump can have, a leaking indicated by a drips from the weep hole, a faulty impeller shaft bearing, an a broken impeller which has be mentioned in forum...
  10. discool

    3,9 EFI front timing assembly

    The bracket shown is ETC5576 for mounting an alternator on a V8 carburettor engine. My 3.9 has a serpentine belt so in that area there is a power steering pump mounted with a small alloy bracket. https://www.paddockspares.com/etc5576-bracket-alternator.html
  11. discool

    Bolt removal - advice required

    🤔 Depends on its size and it’s location, Stillson’s and before starting a splash of Plus gas comes to mind. 😊
  12. discool

    Disco 1 Plastic spare wheel cover - help please

    Ok that will work, it looks like a D1 wheel which was part number NTC5193PM. As you say the existing spare wheel is alloy so why not replace the vinyl cover? I understand it protects the tyre from sun damage. I’m now on a third cover, original plus two replacements
  13. discool

    Disco 1 Plastic spare wheel cover - help please

    Correct, those cover discs (ANR4751) were supplied when the D1 was equipped with a steel spare with a size 235 Goodyear tyre fitted. Steel wheel mounting nut is ANR3116 plus a plastic washers. I saw some D1s with a steel spare an a main dealer when I purchased my vehicle … fitted normally a...
  14. discool


    The brake pad wear lamp should never be on when the handbrake was applied. It only happened a couple times in the 100,000 miles I did In my 1987 RR, as it should, indicating a brake pad was worn somewhere when the brakes are applied. Early disco had the same electrical system as the early RR so...
  15. discool

    300TDI Disco1, temp sensor locations

    Screwed into the thermostat housing just where the housing is bolted to the cylinder head, there are other sensors (a/c) also in the thermostat housing. A replacement for the temp guage is AMR1425. A another temp gauge what ever it displays won’t stop a head gasket failing, cause & effect...
  16. discool

    Disco 2 Battery moniter

    To start with I’d fully charge my battery and disconnect it from the vehicle overnight, then in the morning get a voltage reading, that would tell me which way to go.
  17. discool

    300 TDI and EDC

    No… next question 😊
  18. discool

    300 TDI and EDC

    Only manuals have a flywheel and if its EDC equipped then its an automatic.
  19. discool

    300 TDI and EDC

    Thats correct. EDC was introduced with the 1996MY D1 to give an increase in power in Tdi automatic models
  20. discool

    Disco 1 300tdi non abs front half shaft

    Bargain 😊 Genuine Parts are advertised to be £450 a set. I’m surprised that D1 genuine half shafts are still available.