1. Merloch91

    L322 Front suspension arm check list

    Imagine typing it! I said I might be overthinking it- and I probably am because as you say, the suspension does things... I'll leave a door (or 4) open, see if it stops my brain rolling a mile a minute with it (where's the laughing at myself emoji).
  2. Merloch91

    L322 Front suspension arm check list

    Should have also added, I want to remove caliper anyway just to check it all over- checking the full works while I'm in there so I'm not back under it next week- though it is a Land rover...
  3. Merloch91

    L322 Front suspension arm check list

    I've only done engine bits so far and it's my first FF/air suspension vehicle so feels daunting for some reason (probably as it'll be my only car come June so pressures on!) It's a "needs some TLC" car which I've never had a problem with before- think I'm overthinking it with the added air...
  4. Merloch91

    L322 Front suspension arm check list

    I'm either making a problem here, or being helpful (let's see)... So I've been scouring workshop manuals (can't find the rave anywhere) and forums to try pull a list together of how to replace the suspension arms (front) and sway linkages, as I'm tackling it Tomorrow. So here's what I think is...
  5. Merloch91

    Range Rover l322 wheel and winter tyre size

    I found the search works pretty well , trying my hardest not to be the newbie who new threads every question I have
  6. Merloch91

    Range Rover l322 wheel and winter tyre size

    Thirded, mine came on 20s and within 2 months something has started to go on the suspension (or rather, it's becoming more noticeable daily). Found some of the 18" hurricane looking wheels going cheap and snagged them last night. More rubber is definitely the way to go when rurality comes into...
  7. Merloch91

    Hello from t'yorkshire (L322)

    We're always happy to share snows not melted here- ice everywhere (glad I'm on summer tyres )
  8. Merloch91

    L322 Fuel Burning Heater - 2003 3ltr Diesel - 5 speed - HSE

    Not noticed any no, yet to have a proper look though tbh as I've been fire fighting the other issues with it as I've gone (thermos, HVAC, servicing and a few electrical problems so far ).
  9. Merloch91

    Hello from t'yorkshire (L322)

    Hello hello, hope you've had better weather than us in god's own country!
  10. Merloch91

    Hello from t'yorkshire (L322)

    Thanks, already asking sill questions! A lot more technical than my 90 was, a hammer solved everything on that
  11. Merloch91

    L322 Fuel Burning Heater - 2003 3ltr Diesel - 5 speed - HSE

    I can hear it go on, and my fob lights up accordingly when I switch it on/off that way, just doesn't seem to do anything. One day it cleared a few spots on the windscreen, but since it does absolutely nothing... It's a summer job that needs doing in winter by the looks of it
  12. Merloch91

    L322 Fuel Burning Heater - 2003 3ltr Diesel - 5 speed - HSE

    Mine runs, but doesn't seem to do a thing for the heating- it's in my to check list in warmer times
  13. Merloch91

    L322 Td6 low idle

    I think it was nearer 490 rpm (didn't realise the first line was 500 ). I've checked everything over- can't find a bloody thing. Stuck the tester on- cleared all codes then checked the remainders (usual suspects so nothing out the ordinary there). So decided to wait until after rush hour and get...
  14. Merloch91

    L322 Td6 low idle

    Hi all, in true fashion a faults turned up on the RR- luckily I joined the site yesterday So- today after work I noticed the idle has gone really low (around 200 rpm). It's just had oil/filters and the crankcase breather upgrade, as well as a new main thermostat- any suggestions on what to...
  15. Merloch91

    Hello from t'yorkshire (L322)

    Thank you :)
  16. Merloch91

    Hello from t'yorkshire (L322)

    Thanks- good to be here at last!
  17. Merloch91

    Hello from t'yorkshire (L322)

    Hi all, New L322 owner in West Yorkshire and new to the forum (weirdly, as this is my third landy). So previously had an ex-mod 90 that was being broken into/attempted to steal on a weekly basis... which I loved, but couldn't keep up with fixing so had to get rid (to my dismay!). Then I had an...