1. F

    Caliper Slide Pin Removal

    So I needed to change the front brake pads on my 02 TD4. Such a simple job I thought I'd be done in 30 mins or so. And it was other than the offside lower slide pin is seized. After giving up trying to shift it with the carrier on the car I removed that and soaked it in Plusgas for a couple of...
  2. F

    New alternator fitted... how much?

    There's a quite a few bits to take off but it's actually a fairly straight forward job tbh. You could probably get your existing alternator fixed for 30 quid or so. There's a place in Croydon (appreciate you're nowhere near there but there must be others) that fixes them as its usually oil...
  3. F

    Clutch Master Cylinder Replacement

    Hey thanks for the reply. I got the new cylinder and opened that up so I can see what you mean now. Only problem I have now is the hydraulic line on the new cylinder looks to be much shorter than the one currently fitted. It's late and I've had a bad day so I'll check it in the engine bay...
  4. F

    How to clean off the gunk around leaky injector?

    Hey thanks for the reply gstuart. I guess that makes sense, it can only be diesel residue so a decent degreaser will get there eventually. I can sort of see the logic in my mate suggesting oven cleaner too now but think I prefer yours. Sounds far safer. Thanks Fritz
  5. F

    How to clean off the gunk around leaky injector?

    So we've been having a cold start problem with the second Freelander, white smoke, bu**er to start etc. and I immediately suspected the injectors (I had to replace mine a couple of years back). Sure enough when I removed the acoustic cover I could see that one of the injectors had worked loose...
  6. F

    Clutch Master Cylinder Replacement

    Having initially though that my slave cylinder had given up the ghost I've now found a leak in the hydraulic line between the master cylinder and the quick clip thingy that connects it to the slave hydraulic line. It looks like the plastic clips holding it to the body have broken and the...
  7. F

    02 Freelander 1 TD4 - Sudden clutch Failure

    Hi As the title says my clutch suddenly went (pedal all the way to the floor with no pressure/ will not return unless I pull it up). It had a new (master?) cylinder about 2 years ago which I had some problems with as it kept losing fluid but that was cleared up after some re-filling and...
  8. F

    Freelander 1 side Step rivnut size?

    Thanks wil lmuch appreciated
  9. F

    Freelander 1 side Step rivnut size?

    Hi does anyone know what size the rivnuts are for a set of Freelander 1 side steps? The destructions don't say, they just show 8 of them. Cheers Fritz
  10. F

    injector problem

    They have anumber in the top, get ones that match
  11. F

    Freelander TD4 New injector?

    Exactly right I changed all four of mine but I have the back up of a mobile mechanic if it all went t*ts up. Some have had total nightmares trying to remove a sticky injector. Personally I would either try it myself or else try getting a prices of a diesel specialist. The labour's about...
  12. F

    3 DoorSoft Back to Hard Back

    The soft top doesn't have a rubber seal it sort of threads on. Just take the soft topoff carefully and it'll allbecome clear. I think it tells you how in the manual else look at rave
  13. F

    viscous coupling

    How thick is the body? Plug it and pein it over? Grub screw? braze a patch over the holes?
  14. F

    viscous coupling

    I think its actaully asilicon gel shaun. but a good question non th e less. anyone now exactly what it is. Maybe there's a short term fix if someone knows.
  15. F

    Td4 starting problem

    I would do the leak back test first. It ranges from free to about £ 30 for a kit. Most of what I've learnt about cam sensors says they rarely fail (although clearly they do on occasion). Thing is I don't know of a conclusive cam sensor test although some people spray them with freeze spray...
  16. F

    soft top instructions + repair

    Mines the same. My temporary fix is sellotape. easier to do with the roof off as the tag bit is on the roof not the window. anyway a bit of sellotape wrapped back over front and back. It's kind of fiddly to do and it doesn't last very long but it's alot simpler than replacing the zip which is...
  17. F

    Can anyone help

    I think a brief version of the soft top instructions are in your manual. If not then search for RAVE on google. To be honest it's pretty obvious once you get the hardback off. If youhave trouvble raising the rear window once your soft top is on then use a bit of cardboard to make sure the...
  18. F

    2002 TD4 Steering Wheel Radio Control Switches - aftermarket/Replacement Harness

    I'm going to fit an after market head unit into my Freelander. I'd like to keep the steering wheel controls if possible but to be honest it's no biggy. I know you can get head unit specific harhesses that do the power/ speakers etc and with a "patch lead" you can use your steering wheel...
  19. F

    TD4 04 power problems

    If this is from a dealer then you have rights mate. "If you buy a used car from a trader it must be of satisfactory quality, fit for the purpose, and as described. Obviously a very old car with a high mileage will not be as good as a newer car with a low mileage, but it should still be fit...
  20. F

    C42 Power Output

    Anyone know what the power outputof the C42 head unit is?