1. F

    Freelander 1 Failed MOT :( - Some Advice Please (Lower front wishbone arm)

    So the vehicle failed its MOT this morning on the following: Split left outer CV boot Ball joint dust cover damaged on lower front wishbone (both sides) So nothing too dramatic - and they only want £ 540 to fix it :rolleyes: so clearly they won't be doing the work. When I get a chance I'll...
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    freelander 1 cycle carrier

    Hmmm TBH I use an over the spare wheel cheapy from Halfrauds... this one in fact https://www.halfords.com/wcsstore/libraries/document/CC015-706770.pdf Bikes only fit one way round or else they do poke out a little. But then the only time I carry bikes is when we go camping for the August...
  3. F

    Freelander 1 Parking Sensor Damage - Bot of Advice Please

    Well I've ordered the sensor £ 15 so will see how I get on fritz
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    Freelander 1 Parking Sensor Damage - Bot of Advice Please

    So after doing some more digging the long tone I get is apparently telling me I have a faulty sensor (@pardec I obviously know which one but you may need to try this clicking sound thing to work which are faulty) but looking for a replacement I have a few options on part numbers. So...anyone...
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    Freelander 1 Parking Sensor Damage - Bot of Advice Please

    So Friday night I managed to reverse into a low wall. No major damage but the parking sensors no longer work. Here is a photo of the damage. The sensor was actually hanging out so I pushed it back in. I think that may have been a mistake but it's done now. So when I put the car into...
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    Steering wheel audio control interface - 2001 TD4

    Woody, try www.connects2.co.uk Fritz
  7. F

    Power socket, no power

    If memory serves me correctly then there is a bulb mounted to the side of the socket so it's a console out job. Fritz
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    Freelander 1 Facelift & non face lift wing mirrors

    Hiya Thanks for the reply. Glass is intact but how do I pop it out without it breaking? fritz
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    Freelander 1 Facelift & non face lift wing mirrors

    Hi guys On my face lift someone's hit my nearside wing mirror, which is still fine other than the heated bit no longer seems to work. I have a non face lift (currently dead) and was wondering if they are a direct swap? Fritz
  10. F

    Freelander 1 Rear wiper issue

    I think this is the one I bought https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Land-Rover-Freelander-1-OEM-Trico-Rear-Wiper-Blade-AWR4116/320925526597?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 Fritz
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    TD4 03. The clutch was very soft, pumped it several times and it did go in gear ok.

    Sounds like the slave or master is leaking. You can pull the rubber cap off of the Master cylinder and see how much fluid it has in it. It's in the engine bay in front of the clutch pedal. If it's the master then you usually get a damp carpet in the driver's foot well from the clutch fluid so...
  12. F

    Freelander 1 Rear wiper issue

    OP assuming the door isn't damaged then it is probably an aftermarket blade on the back. I had the exact same problem recently. In fact in the rain it wasn't really too much of an issue but when we had this recent snow I could barely see out the back. I emptied the entire washer bottle trying...
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    Freelander 1 Question About Cheap tyres...I mean really cheap

    Well I went to have a look at them over the weekend and wasn't really very impressed. I don't know what the two bands on the side wall of the Latitudes are but these didn't have anything like that, just a plain, very soft, side wall. I guess they have their place but my missus has a habit of...
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    Freelander 1 Question About Cheap tyres...I mean really cheap

    Hey thanks guys. TBH I would infinitely prefer 5 new Latitudes and keep rotating but at £ 450 it's not an option at the moment. And yes I know new need to go on the rear so the next plan was for the new two to go on the rear and move the existing rear to front. The spare looks old but...
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    Freelander 1 Question About Cheap tyres...I mean really cheap

    So usually I run Michelin Latitudes (about £ 90 a wheel) and I need two for the front. Rear are probably 50% worn so don't need replacing just yet but obviously I would prefer to change all of them if I could afford it. Anyway I've been offered five cheap tyres by a mechanic mate of mine who's...
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    Freelander 1 Rear Wiper Issue

    Hey thanks for the replies. I'm pretty sure it's an after market blade on the SE. I'll try swapping them over and see what that's like...Or else it's heat gun time. fritz
  17. F

    Freelander TD4 Fuel Problem

    I'd start with an injector leak back test particularly as you have already found one faulty injector but I believe, as Nodge said, either a faulty cam shaft sensor or faulty fuel pressure sensor can also cause this. EDIT: Come to think of it check the sensor contacts first as that's going to...
  18. F

    Freelander 1 Rear Wiper Issue

    So this is annoying... Driving back from Plymouth in the snow yesterday I noticed that the rear wiper doesn't wipe the top half of the window. In fact it does but it barely touches it and I only noticed it because of the salt deposits being smeared into a thin layer across the top of the glass...
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    Freelander 1 New Turbo

    On a FL1 TD4 it can be done without taking too much apart but it is VERY fiddly. See this post https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/how-to-change-turbo-on-a-td4.221780/#post-2510752 I think I paid £ 200 for a replacement turbo (exchange unit) 3 years ago and it took me and a mechanic mate...
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    Freelander 1 3 door interior light removal

    Yes those two hex bolts release it then there's just the multi plug behind