1. vizsla

    auf_wiedersehen_pet's build thread.

    Oh yes there's a fine oak cake shop in leek (missis family are stokeys)! Ye it's funny how Landy owners have shovels in there car but muppets in bmws don't!
  2. vizsla

    Waxoyl for arches etc?

    Oh right il have a look in the the light tomorrow, did you do any rust treatment on yours before you waxoyled
  3. vizsla

    auf_wiedersehen_pet's build thread.

    I no what you mean chap, the bumper is trimmed in the snow picture but my plan is to make a template and have a custom heavy duty one made, I'm in derbyshire the pick is Stanton just outside Ashbourne, it's one of those places that's that hilly that there can be a couple of inches but then you...
  4. vizsla

    Waxoyl for arches etc?

    Ok thanks are you talking about the metal That returns down at the bottom of the arch with the rust on mate
  5. vizsla

    auf_wiedersehen_pet's build thread.

    Ha ok but don't expect too much, these were took a while ago so there's a few more changes since then Go on then give me your verdict!
  6. vizsla

    Waxoyl for arches etc?

    Hi here's pics just took so a bit dark It's hard to tell because it's ready for a jet wash but the archers arnt too bad but I'd like the to look nice having the archers cut back means you can see everything, The last pic shows the chassis next to the tow bar, the chassis is realy good and...
  7. vizsla

    Waxoyl for arches etc?

    Hi sorry if similar has been asked before I'm wanting to treat my wheel archers and eventually all the underside but was wondering what the best option is Just waxoyl Karust then hameright Or all three Thanks in advance
  8. vizsla

    auf_wiedersehen_pet's build thread.

    Well I just read through this thread and I'm very impressed chap, I love your attention to detail as it's the little things that make an exceptional Landy like yours! The pic of your daughter in the passenger seat in the snow is great iv got a 18 month old little girl who loves driving shotgun...
  9. vizsla

    Hardening paint to avoid scratches..

    Paint her with matt MOD paint so you can just give it a quick touck up every few weeks
  10. vizsla

    Non starter

    Doh just come to try it again and there's nothing! Confusing me now
  11. vizsla

    Non starter

    Sorted, was baffling me as I was sure it just needed a jump! Anyway I re made off the earth connection on the block and used hefty cables and it fired, thanks chaps
  12. vizsla

    Non starter

    It's normally used daily but iv had it off the road for a couple of days so I presume the battery drained slightly and the jump leads are struggling to re start it, I might connect 25mm2 meter cable tails between the cars and see if that works and then look at getting a upgraded battery
  13. vizsla

    Non starter

    Wouldn't it jump though?
  14. vizsla

    Non starter

    Sorry yes there is the single click and a buzzing thanks
  15. vizsla

    Non starter

    There no constant click mate
  16. vizsla

    Non starter

    Good evening for some reason my auto disco won't turn over and diagnostics isn't my thing I thought I'd ask you kind chaps! All connection are good on the battery, the lights radio etc still work, at first it tried very wimperly to turn over but now thers nothing, iv tried jump starting but...
  17. vizsla

    Help I'm tempted to leave Disco Ownership

    I'm a big fan of 300tdis both defender and disco but I drive a disco, with a few mods a disco is the ultimate all rounder, Awsome off road, great on road, comfy, roomy etc ware as a defender will always lack in comfort and for long distance trips
  18. vizsla

    How to stop water getting in disco!

    Cheers for the helps fellas, il have a good look over the next few days
  19. vizsla

    How to stop water getting in disco!

    Spot on chap and thanks for the link, very helpfull
  20. vizsla

    How to stop water getting in disco!

    Good evening chaps , I'm finally going to get round to trying to prevent damp carpets if it's possible, the problem is mainly the boot floor carpet so I'm I'm planning on stripping some of the interior to try and help the problem but was wondering if anybody had any good starting points, I don't...