1. Francesco M.

    Re-synching the Range Rover P38 diesel engine with the BECM using a Nanocom

    Update: I tested the glow plugs and they all work, there is one big problem, I have no compression!! By adding oil to the cylinders, the compression increases, which means there is a cylinder-ring sealing problem. They are probably blocked, I will try to inject some products to unblock, hoping...
  2. Francesco M.

    Re-synching the Range Rover P38 diesel engine with the BECM using a Nanocom

    thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, no power reaches the lifting pump even when power is supplied from relay 12. I'm checking the fuse box. I'll also check the glow plugs. Thanks, I'll update you
  3. Francesco M.

    Re-synching the Range Rover P38 diesel engine with the BECM using a Nanocom

    Hi, I'm new to the forum but not new to the Land world. I want to thank you for your precious information. I recently brought home a non-working P38 for a few €, I have all the symptoms you describe but the power is getting to the stop solenoid. When you had these symptoms did you check it by...
  4. Francesco M.

    P38 at home 😱

    you're right, sorry! with all the problems the P38 has I'm crazy in the evening 🤣
  5. Francesco M.

    P38 at home 😱

    Hi, I'm Francesco from Italy. I had a defender 90 td4 puma from 2009 to 2015, then I didn't have a Land Rover for many years. Now I got a 1995 P38 2.5 diesel from an older gentleman for €1000, brought home not running. Now I'll have a lot of work to do!