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    Freelander 1 Freelander 1 TD4 eml with exclamation mark appear 5 seconds when full throthle. PLEASE HELP!!

    Sorry for my mistake. For the temp sensor, picture it's not mine, it's taken but looks just like mine, without wires/plug. I modified picture now. As i said, no wires/plug can be found. Diag device it's not mine, i will go and scan again and check what you said and keep update.
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    Freelander 1 Freelander 1 Td4 automatic 2004 eml with exclamation mark appears 5 seconds when full throtle + other problems, Please Help!

    Hi all. New owner Freelander 1 td4 2004 automatic and have some issues. 1. Eml with exclamation mark appears 5 seconds when full throttle, cuts power (a little), dissapears after. 2. I have intake air sensor (but no wires) and on scanner, i receive error with faulty sensor (meaning that it's not...
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    Freelander 1 Freelander 1 TD4 eml with exclamation mark appear 5 seconds when full throthle. PLEASE HELP!!

    Hi all. New owner Freelander 1 td4 2004 automatic and have some issues. 1. Eml with exclamation mark appears 5 seconds when full throttle, cuts power (a little), dissapears after. 2. I have intake air sensor (but no wires) and on scanner, i receive error with faulty sensor (meaning that it's not...