1. Rangieman123

    Ignition amp.

    The ignition amplifier must have an earth, through its two mounting screws. Its relocation is a very good idea but relying on the inner wing of a RRC as an earth can be a gamble due to corrosion. I'd suggest running a wire from the amp and earth it on the dizzy if it has a male spade poking out...
  2. Rangieman123

    Series 2 - won’t spark positive earth

    I was having a pint recently with a very old friend who has been working on classics for 50 years. He's of the opinion that positive earth vehicles rust faster than negative earthed ones. Any ideas on this??
  3. Rangieman123

    Series 2 - won’t spark positive earth

    There's a very thin wire in the distributor that earths the points baseplate to the distributor body. This can break, resulting is nothing happening. At this stage I suggest establishing if your coil is correctly wired and firing. Step 2 is spark distribution. I have been plagued over the last...
  4. Rangieman123

    Series 2 - won’t spark positive earth

    Ill assume that it's unknown if you have a pos or neg earth coil. To isolate the fault I would suggest the following: Put a plug lead into the coil HT connector with a properly earthed spark plug at the other end. Turn the engine by hand until your points are fully open, as this prevents getting...
  5. Rangieman123

    Range Rover 1990 Transfer Case Viscous Coupling Seized

    Hello Datatec, Correct the VC is sealed, but in the many RRC and P38's that I've seen, the BW transfer boxes have lasted for more miles in the Classics, which have Dex 2 listed. Again, just my opinion from experience.
  6. Rangieman123

    Range Rover 1990 Transfer Case Viscous Coupling Seized

    Two last things to check: The BW transfer boxes are know to be very quiet in operation. If the internal chain has stretched it will make noise, and can eventually lead to total loss of drive. Check that the yokes on your front prop are in alignment. Depending on who did the conversion you might...
  7. Rangieman123

    Range Rover 1990 Transfer Case Viscous Coupling Seized

    Also, if you have the original Series 2 front axle it will have universal joints in the swivels, not CV joints like a Defender or RRC. Now being full time 4WD, the UJ's can create a kind of "shimmy" when going around tighter turns due to their design. It will work, but it will never be totally...
  8. Rangieman123

    Range Rover 1990 Transfer Case Viscous Coupling Seized

    If your viscous coupling has seized you'll be chirping tyres when turning on full lock. It don't think it's seized based on your description. Only Dextron 2 for auto box and transfer box in my experience. Dex 3 is too thin and not suitable for 4HP22/BW viscous transfer box. Many unexperienced...
  9. Rangieman123


    Be careful with your wheel nuts/studs. Landies pre 1970 (not fully sure to the year) have smaller wheel studs and nuts. They are designed to share some weight through the round hole in the centre of the wheel. The studs are not designed to take the full weight of the vehicle and are not safe...
  10. Rangieman123

    Rover v8 to lt76 clutch options

    Here's a pic to give you an rough idea. I have used an angle grinder in the past and it's a simple job. It's important that the new spigot bush bolts to the flywheel without touching the end of the crank.
  11. Rangieman123

    Rover v8 to lt76 clutch options

    I have done several of these conversions so feel free to ask more questions.
  12. Rangieman123

    Rover v8 to lt76 clutch options

    The Disco/Range Rover pressure plate is too big to fit into the Series 3 bellhousing. You will have to get your flywheel drilled/tapped to accept standard Series 3 9.5'' pressure plate and use the standard clutch disk. Any machine shop can do this for you. Whose kit are you using for the...
  13. Rangieman123

    FD35 service parts? Where and how.

    I had similar problems sourcing service parts for the Mazda SL35 fitted to my RRC. The Mazda and Nissan diesel conversions were very popular in the 90's. They were also both fitted to many forklifts so finding gaskets and internals should not be a big problem. You could research if Motor &...
  14. Rangieman123

    Series 3 SIII Diesel won't rev

    Make sure that the stop lever on the fuel pump is fully returning to its rest position after you release the pull stop lever on the steering column to kill the engine.
  15. Rangieman123

    Auto discovery box into a 200tdi defender?

    If you're proceeding with this conversion I would also recommend modifying the 4HP22 autobox to lock up the torque converter clutch at 45MPH like the earlier Range Rover Classics compared to 55MPH like the later ones. From memory it involves changing a spring in the valve block. It makes a huge...
  16. Rangieman123

    Auto discovery box into a 200tdi defender?

    The bellhousing from a Disco/RRC is quite long compared to 90/110, so you could run into issues having to shorten your rear prop, and find a longer one for the front..
  17. Rangieman123

    Capstan winch information required please

    This guy might be of help to you: https://www.lroe.co.uk/winches/
  18. Rangieman123

    P38 4.0 Infamous 4HP22

    Ashcroft's website give a guide on T/C installation measurements. https://ashcroft-transmissions.co.uk/product/torque-converter/
  19. Rangieman123

    Potential new Series 2a owner with questions on powerplant and drivetrain

    A friend of mine has a diesel Series 3 which had been fitted with an alternator from a Suzuki Vitara 2.0 diesel. It has a proper mechanical vacuum pump built into its rear housing to feed the servo. The only conversion work needed was to give it an oil feed line via a T piece from the filter head.
  20. Rangieman123

    Disco 1 300tdi over running/ dieseling.

    I second the reference to your Land Rover as a "truck". I'm not angry, just disappointed.......