1. N

    Gearbox Oil

    I have a 2002 Disco 2 td5. I changed my gearbox oil about 10k ago to MTF94. There was quite a bit of fur on the plug magnetic but since I don't know how long it had been since the oil was changed so I thought I would reserve judgement until the next oil change. After the oil change it was...
  2. N

    Tool for transfer box oil filler?

    I tried to check the transfer box oil level on my recently bought disco 2 but the handbrake cable is even more in the way than on my defender. Well actually I assigned my 19 year old son to do this after he checked the front and rear diff oil levels while I was doing something on another car...
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    3 Amigos Lights

    Thank you. Neil. He visited and helped. He cleared the faults but the front right sensor came back. I've ordered a new sensor. Plus on Neil's advice a new wheel unlocking nut. As the old one was split. Neil was also shocked when I bought out my torque wrench to take the wheels nuts off so...
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    3 Amigos Lights

    Thank you. The Discovery is in Daventry
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  6. N

    3 Amigos Lights

    Just got a Discovery 2 and the 3 Amigos lights have started to come on. The chap that sold it is happy to take back and fix the issue. I understand that the abs sensors going is a common problem on these. The problem we taking it back is that it's a 90 mins drive with 2 cars needed to do. I...
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    Adrian Flux & LandyZone - Moving forward

    I hope you can help? We had our defender insuranced with Adrian Flux N909WUX. Unfortunately it was stolen on the 9 Jan. We reported it that day but are now still waiting to heard if/when/how much we will be compensated. I've been chasing TCS, who I believe handle your claims, almost every...
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    Correct bolt for the alternator on 300tdi?

    I've lost the bottom bolt that holds the alternator in place on my 300tdi 110 Defender. So the altnative is just swinging. I did measured the length and thought I needed a 150mm long bolt but did a google and saw someone suggesting that it's 130mm x M8. Does another know what length bolt I...
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    Transfer Box Puma onto a 300tdi?

    I ended up getting a recon box from awtransmissions.com not a puma
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    Transfer Box Puma onto a 300tdi?

    The transfer box has gone on my 1996 300 tdi 110. I've been quoted £600 + vat by the garage. Must be cheaper. Where can I get reconditioned ones? Someone has a Puma from a 2002 will that bolt straight into a 300tdi?
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    Greetings from SE London

    Land Rover Alarm Defender AMR 4896 | eBay I have got an alarm and rear step for sell if anybody is interested. £30 + postage for the alarm £18 + postage for the rear step
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    Oil Leak and Ticking noise

    It's just occured to me that I might of been stupid. I've mixed synthetic and mineral oil in the engine. The oil was changed with 10w40 synthetic but I topped it up with 15w40 minerial is that bad?
  13. N

    Oil Leak and Ticking noise

    I'm not sure this is going to work. We may have to post to youtube Facebook You can hear the clicking very faintly. It was more pronounced before Here is the underside of the Land rover from where abouts the oil is going from
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    Oil Leak and Ticking noise

    Thanks my wife is going to try and post some pictures but the oil leak appears to be coming from the front of the engine. My initial idea was the sump plate. Sorry I don't know if that is the correct name but the plan/plate at the bottom of the engine where the dirt from the engine oil sits...
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    Oil Leak and Ticking noise

    1) We have a slow oil leak from our tdi 300 which only appears to happen after we have run the engine. It's dipping onto the cross bars below the engine but it's not clear where it's coming from? Where are the obvious places to check? I will post some photos when I get home but can't from...
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    Greetings from SE London

    The wheel ramp would collapse if used that way!
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    Greetings from SE London

    I'm a owner of a 96 TDI country wagon. It's my 2nd defender. We need the space to fit all my kids, bikes and the dog. Here is my car, in Wales, with my other beauty http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/458363_10151003539116508_1574715633_o.jpg I've got a few bit and pieces that I...
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    Help needed Please

    P*ssed taking alowed but not sarcasm or irony?