1. ivancrx

    What is this off?

    Can anyone help me with this one, brother in law has found this on the farm he works at and was wondering what it is off, I know it is not a defender so would suggest it is a series item. I have asked him to measure the length of the roof for me to see if that helps. His question then is "Is it...
  2. ivancrx

    Oil In One Port Of Inlet Manifold

    All the other ports are spotless, it is just one that has oil residue in it, I was thinking possibly valve stem oil seal?
  3. ivancrx

    2.5na battery cable help

    I have just done this, I only had to take the inlet manifold off, nice and easy, 4 bolts, 2 nuts and a jubilee clip.
  4. ivancrx

    What have you done on your 90/110/130 today?

    Fitted a new alternator and power cable, found oil in one of my inlet ports.
  5. ivancrx

    Oil In One Port Of Inlet Manifold

    200tdi Engine. Just taken the intake manifold off so I can get the the starter and one on the ports is very dirty, not sure if oil or carbon but looks like oil. Any one have any ideas as to the cause?
  6. ivancrx

    hEEEElp!! Need the female plug at the end of the loom...

    Just let me have your address (Via PM) and I will send it on to you.
  7. ivancrx

    hEEEElp!! Need the female plug at the end of the loom...

    I have one, £1,000,000. I have had to extend the wires a little on it.
  8. ivancrx

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Now been steamed to remove the wrinkles.
  9. ivancrx

    Defender rear glass de-mister.

    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Car-Screen-Window-Electrical-Heated-Rear-Screen-demister-Repair-Paint-0375A/333377811173?epid=2022980305&hash=item4d9eddb2e5:g:7RsAAOSwv0tVS0YM This should do the job.
  10. ivancrx

    I would just like to say

    Good morning looking forward to another great landy day
  11. ivancrx

    Mazda rx8 seats.

    Just for info: Seat Motion Grey - +12v Purple - Ground Lumbar Yellow w/red stripe - +12v White w/yellow stripe Ground Seat Heater Blue - +12v The yellow plug is for the Air Bag in the side of the seat. I just cut the plug off to get it out of the way. You can't remove the airbag because the...
  12. ivancrx

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Just spent the last 3 hours recovering my genuine steering wheel with "Real Italian" leather, looks fantastic in my eyes. The joys of having a 36 spline column.
  13. ivancrx

    I would just like to say

    Welcome back, I was having withdrawal symptoms
  14. ivancrx

    90 door frame repair & new skin

    YRM for the metal parts, there is also a couple of kits available on eBay for the felt runners.
  15. ivancrx

    For Sale Defender folding side steps plus other parts

    Just added a load of other parts to eBay.
  16. ivancrx

    For Sale Defender folding side steps plus other parts

    Having a bit of a clear out, set of refurbished side steps. http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub=5575378759&campid=5338273189&customid=&icep_item=164006148829&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229508&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg&toolid=11111
  17. ivancrx

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Fitted a new aerial so I can now have music. Over the noise of the engine
  18. ivancrx

    Galvanised Chassis swap shopping list

    New bushes, bolts, lots of bolts. The list will be endless depending on how far you want to go with it. I started out with just wanting to replace the chassis and have ended up rebuilding it completely and repainting it. Spent way more than I originally intended but I am nearly happy with it.
  19. ivancrx

    What have you done on your 90/110/130 today?

    Stripped and rebuilt the winch, refitted and all working. One day it will be finished.:)