1. Station House

    No Dash Lights, Still turns over but won't start. 1995 300tdi maybe immobiliser?

    Cannot advise but an auto elec to remove said immobiliser is looking likely
  2. Station House

    Starter clicking once.

    Impressive start to ownership;) If you haven't, add timing belt to your list:cool:
  3. Station House

    What's the Gen on Rear seats and Kids

    Legally OK but more a matter of comfort/safety and your own view on risk Personally feel they're safer without the lap belts
  4. Station House

    Roof Bars for Defender

    Been pleased with the Rhino Bars on mine
  5. Station House

    James's rebuild thread

    Honestly not sure what sparex is - if it's tractor paint will be fine Just ordered synthetic from a paint shop Yes will go over cellulose without bubbling Brushing primer can be a pain as you'll get ridges and brush marks, so you'll spend loads of effort using wet and dry paper to get smooth...
  6. Station House

    James's rebuild thread

    Brush painting in Synthetic is real easy and available in all the RAL colours 2.5 litres will more than do the outside of a Landy As ever good prep, etch priming any bare ali and then spay priming and flatting back add to the finish Good quality brushes are well worth the investment. When it...
  7. Station House

    Door help info needed

    Mine are the 'straight bits' in your second picture Guess the 'one piece' door is a newer replacement can't advise whether LR orginal or not
  8. Station House


    Not used them myself, but think I'm right in saying they are generally seen as knowledgable and helpful to deal with I was looking for a recon gearbox, but they were a bit on the expensive side and I eneded up sourcing elsewhere
  9. Station House

    Windscreen washer motor makes sound but no result.

    Non return valve can also get all bunged up as well as the jets and pipe Pull pipe off of motor and see if water comes out the pump Assuming it does, blow out the pipe line with compressed air - works much better than poking needles down the jets!
  10. Station House

    Low ratio/Diff Lock maintenance...needed?

    As Richard says - pop it in and out a couple of times a month to keep linkage loose, and lube the linkage when doing the 6 monthly oils service
  11. Station House

    Advice on Buying my first Land Rover

    Struck me as a little over priced, but if the chassis is galvanised as described and bulkhead really solid and runs well could be worth £7k ish Really need to crawl all over it, and have a read of this https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/80625539
  12. Station House


    Always a good moment
  13. Station House

    2014 Tow Bar

    Offer it up and see Might get away with just altering the bars that go from the base to the chassis if everything else lines up with the crossmember holes Alternatively Pressbrake may be able to advise
  14. Station House

    Wheel arches faded help

    Another vote here for WD40
  15. Station House

    Heater / Blower Fan Question

    If it's not doing anything with the switch bypassed (i.e. wired directly to 12v) is sounding like either a jammed or dead motor
  16. Station House

    Ive created a monster (well not a monster!) - Tart up thread for the 90

    Assuming chassis and bulkhead ok, got to be £2.5k, and possibly nudging £3k as winter approaches
  17. Station House

    HELP!!! Electrickery Mystery

    Odd. I'd start by checking the wire to the stop solonoid (chaffing, cleanliness, on good and tight) but do wonder if an ignition switch failure Could try starting and then moving the key about in the barrel/giving the steering column area a decent thump to see if you can replicate the issue
  18. Station House

    Just bought a 110

    Like that a lot - very smart
  19. Station House

    110 from 3050 to 3500kgs can it be done? help needed

    Never met Clive aka Presbrake, but from what I've read his engineering skills are worth taking notice of
  20. Station House

    Hole in Turbo hose

    Glad you're sorted