1. marksman

    New member

    Welcome to the forums
  2. marksman

    HI All, Good to be here!

    Hello and welcome
  3. marksman

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Replaced p/s rear calliper (seized / stiff) and both rear disks complete with pads and wear sensor
  4. marksman

    Seat box compartment cover sizes ??

    @Rougharse Racing thanks
  5. marksman

    Hello and thank you

    Hello and welcome
  6. marksman

    Seat box compartment cover sizes ??

    @resto_d1 cheers mine's a 1997 300tdi
  7. marksman

    Seat box compartment cover sizes ??

    Thanks, are 2 and 3 the same width ?
  8. marksman

    Seat box compartment cover sizes ??

    I'm not currently with my vehicle and I'm looking to purchase new D/S and P/S under seat box cover plates, are items 1 & 2 the same size ? width etc? Any assistance appreciated
  9. marksman

    Series 3 Essential tool kit for home mechanic?

    Oil absorbent pads Sticking plasters Splints Credit card (maybe this should be at the top of the list) Seriously As above a general purpose tool kit (Halfrauds etc) with sockets and spanners, allen keys etc and +1 for a second set of spanners
  10. marksman

    Mystery object ???

    I think this is a drain channel ?? vaguely remember it lying in the bottom of one of my front doors (1997 defender), can't find reference to it in Rave or Microcat, reluctant to discard it if it will fit while finishing my refurb/restoration
  11. marksman

    Hello (finally)

    Hi and welcome
  12. marksman

    (Just for Fun) 0-60 times 300Tdi, But others welcome

    14.25 seconds with the other half giving me "looks"
  13. marksman


    Welcome. Again nice to see a legitimate owner joining
  14. marksman

    Gooday from Northern Territory of Australia

    Nice to have a legitimate landrover owner joining the site ;)
  15. marksman


    Whiff of Specially Prepared American Meat ??
  16. marksman

    Gooday from Northern Territory of Australia

    Hi and welcome o_O
  17. marksman

    Refurbishing my 1997 defender 300 TDI

    How are your front grilles attached ?? I'm fitting an air con front frame and want to know how your front grilles attach to the frame, is it fir tree fasteners (if so do they just push into the holes or do I need snap sacs?) or are there screws that screw into something ???? images would be...
  18. marksman

    P38A Electrician required

    @tomcat59alan what he said
  19. marksman

    Mad bastard

    Hi :D