1. R

    Garage floor... to paint or not to paint

    My current task on the ‘never ending job list’, is to tidy up the man cave. Most of the storage has been sorted out, the only problem being that I am the I untidiest person imaginable, so a state of order doesn’t last very long. I digress. While I’ve got it tidy, should I paint the concrete...
  2. R

    On board welder.

    I've heard about guys modifying an alternator to act as a makeshift welder as well as still acting as an alternator (not heavy duty but can really get one out of a spin in the bush). Does anyone know how this is done, as my knowledge of electrcity is dangerous - I need to do a little research...
  3. R

    Spray painting equipment

    Hello guys, Since I have a lot of free time with the Corona, I want to paint my speakers (4 x MTL 46 , 2 x dual 12 inch mid tops and 2 x 12 inch monitors)using a compressor. I have only roller painting experience. What type of equipment do I need(air compressor size, spray gun size etc)?I will...
  4. R

    Garage floor... to paint or not to paint

    My current task on the ‘never ending job list’, is to tidy up the man cave. Most of the storage has been sorted out, the only problem being that I am the I untidiest person imaginable, so a state of order doesn’t last very long. I digress. While I’ve got it tidy, should I paint the concrete...
  5. R

    Key fob issues!

    So I've only had the car for about two weeks now. I noticed that I cannot lock the doors or activate the alarm when I'm more than 15 ft from the car using the key fob. Does anyone have this issue also?
  6. R

    MiG welder suggestions please

    Hello. Need advice on a MIG welder. Just something for general repairs odd bit of fabrication work. best dual voltage welder Does the workshop only have a single-phase ATM do I need a 3 phase machine? Any sources of recon machines?