1. defender11069

    Wood burners/ fire pits

    And I don't want one of them either :D
  2. defender11069

    Wood burners/ fire pits

    how much.......:eek:
  3. defender11069

    Wood burners/ fire pits

    Mr cool special £40 yes they are spanners..
  4. defender11069

    Wood burners/ fire pits

    Mr cool special £40 flue pipe comes off and there another piece same length that gos on top got it's own hot plate so you can cook on it just needs stove paint ..:cool:
  5. defender11069

    STOLEN - Defender 110 White - BRISTOL

    good news :clap2:
  6. defender11069

    Newbie Intro

    :welcome2:to the mad house
  7. defender11069

    Wood burners/ fire pits

    i'm using this one this year 2m of flue pipe fits in side just need to burn the paint off..:cool:
  8. defender11069

    West Yorkshire massive

    To. Many :confused:
  9. defender11069

    Who Is Going To LZ11?

    Got mine anorl..:cool:
  10. defender11069

    West Yorkshire massive

    Got my ticket to .. Can't wait now..
  11. defender11069

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    Good thinking keep her in doors happy..:cool:
  12. defender11069

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    looks a good un and i'm liking the PLATE...;)
  13. defender11069

    Long Day

    that's what a grinder is for..;) a landy owner's best friend :cool:
  14. defender11069

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6ismKIA6Jw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXSwJCVgJO0 welcome back gringo...:D
  15. defender11069

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    hello stranger :) that looks very nice:clap2:
  16. defender11069

    Long Day

    the joy's of working on your landy'':D always take's longer than you think it will..
  17. defender11069

    What does your disco weigh?

    they all weigh less and less each year..;) the tin seam's to worm put more and more one..:D
  18. defender11069

    Its been nicked

    Sorry to here about that Fingers crossed you get it back in one piece and the scum bags get what they desirve.
  19. defender11069

    Brand New Landy Owner - And Loving It!

    :) welcome to the mad house
  20. defender11069

    New Punter

    Do a search every thing you need to know about defender security/theft can be found on LZ