1. W

    2.5NA rewire - Autosparks

    make your own, but it'll take time but it will be custom fit to the exact size as required. The autosparks loom will have some extra no doubt to cover themselves
  2. W

    Disco 2 Rear diff pinion seal

    the split pin over the castellated nut ?
  3. W

    Burial mound damage

    they knew it was wrong but didn't care, obviously. They wanted to drive up and down it, that's all they cared about
  4. W

    Burial mound damage

    cheap thrills
  5. W

    Concrete pad.

    and don't forget to consider expansion joints
  6. W

    Prop Greasing Tips.

    https://www.toolstoday.co.uk/husqvarna-grease-gun?gclid=CjwKCAiAuqHwBRAQEiwAD-zr3Sd-RsaU8SK7VF1r_XnVTHbNBqE2C37ksh88ETJmP8K-cgqg5VnGexoCwAYQAvD_BwE it works for me anyways
  7. W

    Prop Greasing Tips.

    use the chainsaw bar greaser, much easier
  8. W

    300Tdi revs to the max when starting - and won't settle down

    There's an article somewhere that quashed this idea completely
  9. W

    200 TDI intercooler upgrade

    just go full size and be done with it, lower your egt's at the same time as increasing available power
  10. W

    300 Tdi Rebuild

    there's a man who'll know, welcome back JM
  11. W

    300 Tdi Rebuild

    if it was me id set up a way of measuring the oil temp to see what it's doing
  12. W

    300 Tdi Rebuild

    Is the dipstick tube slipped ? Wrong dipstick ?that kinda thing i was referring to, which can say full on dipstick but be 2 pints over or something drastic like that
  13. W

    300 Tdi Rebuild

    I have no idea Al. It makes sense to me that the problem is oil getting too hot. The oil blackened quickly and oil passes the turbo, even a spanking new one from Turners so it's got to be the oil overheating. Could be a lot of things not just the rad. Is your dipstick reading correctly, cos...
  14. W

    300 Tdi Rebuild

    I still think this has something to do with the temperature of the oil. Too hot and it darkens quicker and degrades towards the nominal number of oil your using i.e 10w40 will degrade to SAE 10. Engine oil when too hot thins out, made worse with the above and passes through the seals.
  15. W

    1993 Defender 90 Rebuild

    shiny shiny awesomeness
  16. W

    Defender 110 Roof Leak - magic?

    mine at the moment with the cold weather looks to be leaking but its actually condensation from the roof cross beam thingies that are the only thing that's exposed inside the cabin
  17. W

    Read axle

    nothing wrong with drum brakes, less maintenance on them when setup properly. Refurb what you got ?
  18. W

    Tyre issues

    the bushings, old perished and carped. Given you've done the alignment more than once, it only out of alignment when driving presumably which points at bushings.
  19. W

    marvel mistry oil

    heard of it, was good back in the hay day when Model T fords were popular. That's my impression of it. I think the lawnmower guy on the You Tube did some tests with it.
  20. W

    200tdi Glow Plugs

    I guess if you're in -10C or less then it might be required, but even in -10C my 200tdi starts on the button. I've never known another diesel to start so well