1. nrgserv

    so who is turning up and when?

    HAHAHAHAHAAAAA :D have ya met mandy yet :eek:
  2. nrgserv


    jack will be there. 7 year old lovable little oik :D
  3. nrgserv

    West Yorkshire massive

    600 watt and yes it does run. not that I expect ya to know what a watt is :rolleyes: probably a watteva knowing sue, or even a :wtf: :D:D
  4. nrgserv

    West Yorkshire massive

    sorted :D
  5. nrgserv

    West Yorkshire massive

    i thought I had yours but I appear to have lost it from me phone......:o
  6. nrgserv

    West Yorkshire massive

    i'll be setting off after picking the nipper up from school, so ill either catch up with ya'll somewhere ont' m1, or at the shindig site. happy travelling :D
  7. nrgserv

    West Yorkshire massive

    if ya waggle the crossmember about for a bit............:eek:
  8. nrgserv

    West Yorkshire massive

    know what channel your going to be on? we use 16 if that's any use to ya :D
  9. nrgserv

    Who Is Going To LZ11?

    haha, my other half is a vet nurse and canine behaviourist too (which may be why I ended up with the rejects) we can stick the pair of them in a corner to yak about dog stuff :D
  10. nrgserv

    Who Is Going To LZ11?

    brydie the 13 year old westie, quite happy sitting and watching. tui, 4 year old black lab, no brains, daft as a brush. bobdog, unknown age kelpie thing, loveable asbo. (aka asbo bob) :D cheers flatlander :p
  11. nrgserv

    Who Is Going To LZ11?

    uncle zippy :D
  12. nrgserv

    West Yorkshire Laning Trips

  13. nrgserv

    Who Is Going To LZ11?

    I try, but it dunt allus work :rolleyes::eek:
  14. nrgserv

    Who Is Going To LZ11?

    aint that like one o them games where ya hang summat up and get all the kids to smash it wi bats, and whoever busts it gets to keep the contents :eek: who's the dog sitter, as I have 3 comin' wi' me :D
  15. nrgserv

    Who Is Going To LZ11?

    it will be :eek: (and I'm crap at rounders. cant run for toffee :rolleyes: )
  16. nrgserv

    West Yorkshire Laning Trips

    reet, gone and done it. lz11 is on the calendar, ticket is stuck to the fridge. for once, I succumbed to an impulse decision and bought a firkin ticket. everything else can wait, I'm going to lz11 :eek: :p :D
  17. nrgserv

    Who Is Going To LZ11?

    just copped a ticket fresh out the printer :D
  18. nrgserv

    West Yorkshire massive

    bullet bitten, I now have a paid and printed ticket.
  19. nrgserv

    West Yorkshire massive

    lol, well before the burner epics :D I might bring it with me, else halve me losses and have it made into a burner step :D
  20. nrgserv

    West Yorkshire massive

    novelty burner with step attached :D