1. Cornish

    Just a waste of typing

    These tree huggers should latch on to the emissions from aircraft. Can't recall the figures but remember something about one flight to USA per passenger, puts out more crap than the most polluting vehicle.
  2. Cornish

    freelander head gasket

    What's all this knocking of Freeloaders about, my wifes hairdresser has one. Mind you, his boyfriend probably has a strap on.....
  3. Cornish

    Red diesel?

    down here Customs could have a field day dipping tanks. Poor as church mice us Cornish, would we use Red in the tanks, nah, course we wouldn't. Well, not in the new Disco anyway.....
  4. Cornish

    negative things about freelanders

    Had one as a courtesy car from LR dealership, couldn't fit inside.......Dog thought the rear headrest tasty though, whoops, dealer not happy at all.......
  5. Cornish

    Newbie Here....

    Hi guys, treat me gentle, just joined and enjoying my first ownership of a 2003 Discovery 2 TD5 GS, after a friend needed to sell. I've had it fitted with PSI Powerchip, uprated Intercooler and K+N air filter, and it's a joy to drive.... Hope I learn from you guys, and maybe I'll contribute...
  6. Cornish

    Anyone chipped a TD5

    Thought I'd add a little to this discussion. Bought a 2003 TD5 GS last August and had a PSI Powerchip, uprated Intercooler and K+N air filter fitted after getting a little fed up with it's pulling power, or lack of it! The difference is phenominal, I can now accelerate and overtake up a long...