1. farmershort

    Rough cost for replacement sunroof seal???

    I'm finding it interesting how many threads it's taking to resolve 1 single part! As no body else seems to be saying it, do yourself a massive favour by downloading: A) the workshop manual And B) the parts catalogue. Both available on the same website, just Google "defender parts catalogue"...
  2. farmershort

    D1 / v8 manual r380 slave push rod - no longer available!

    Arrived this morning from famous four: 11cm long... Funny spike at the end.
  3. farmershort

    110 defender rebuild project and v8 conversion

    I think air pressure is deffo a factor what I've read about synthetic enamel. I spraid through the regulated feed at about 40psi ish, but this might be too high for this paint. Apparently you can't flat back enamel top coat, because it takes up to 6 years tocure fully.
  4. farmershort

    110 defender rebuild project and v8 conversion

    Finally a dry 5 minutes to check the finish in natural light! A bit orange peelish, but not bad for a first attempt I reckon! No runs.
  5. farmershort

    110 defender rebuild project and v8 conversion

    Boguing.. I think you might have the wrong thread ;) Managed to get the roof outside for some advanced weathering! Haven't had a dry daylight moment yet to check the fine detail of the finish.
  6. farmershort

    Part no. required, pls help

    According to the parts manual, the pop and tilt one has seal mwc9500 and rtc5942. The rtc one is glass to frame. The mwc is sunroof to frame.
  7. farmershort

    Weight & dimensions of bulkhead

    Like I said in my 1st post :) I don't have anything to weigh it properly with, and me +50KG ish on the bathroom scales would likely break them. as long as you
  8. farmershort

    Weight & dimensions of bulkhead

    165cm x 92cm x 33cm Hth Adam
  9. farmershort

    Weight & dimensions of bulkhead

    I can measure my 300tdi bulkhead for you later - it's just getting it's t-wash after galving. I can lift it on my own, so I would guess it's around 50kg. If you booked your courier for 80kg or 100kg (depending on their weight thresholds) you'd be safe.
  10. farmershort

    D1 / v8 manual r380 slave push rod - no longer available!

    I imagine it's almost identical to the readily available 300tdi version, but a slightly different length. The clutch forks are different... Not sure if the slave cylinders themselves are the same.
  11. farmershort

    110 defender rebuild project and v8 conversion

    My panel wipe arrived today so I managed to prep the panel and get some green thrown at during my lunch break. Obviously it doesn't look like much, and this is a very very basic test, but it's nice to see the final colour for the first time :)
  12. farmershort

    D1 / v8 manual r380 slave push rod - no longer available!

    Hi All, not sure if this sort of info is generally useful, but I've discovered that the push rod for the slave cyl for a v8 manual R380 box is now no longer made. part number: FTC3913 there's a couple on the shelf somewhere which famousfour managed to get hold of for me (I've ordered 2)...
  13. farmershort

    Aaron's 90 rebuild (round 3)

    Great colour chap! Pretty close to Atlantic green, but individual to yours. Perfect!
  14. farmershort

    respray prep advice

    Also... FYI... See the bit where it says to expect a new thread ;)
  15. farmershort

    respray prep advice

    Wow cash pat.... I've only just started playing with the spray patterns! Give me chance!
  16. farmershort

    110 defender rebuild project and v8 conversion

    Cheers for the input Aaron! I've not done anything with filler yet, and never used the stuff properly before. Do you have any favourite brands? I'm stating at the moment that I'm not going to go mad with filler on this project, as its going to be a farm landy at the end of all of this... I see...
  17. farmershort

    110 defender rebuild project and v8 conversion

    The other thing I should mention is that landy paint is bloomin thin! More work with the 240 to get more scratches per inch isn't an option, as you'd burn through the paint in seconds.
  18. farmershort

    110 defender rebuild project and v8 conversion

    I did a bit of a "how well keyed?" Test this morning, by keying the panels with a house key! 240 grit: 400: 600 left, 800 right: I don't know if it comes across in those photos, but there's certainly more paint coming away on the 240 grit prepped panel. I guess this makes sense in...
  19. farmershort

    Charging additional battery/batteries

    I guess you need to have a search of the site for "split charging" system. Plenty of info about it I think, but I've not got there yet with my own project.