1. C

    Stuck- SOS

    So I've been told it's the road opposite Wilmington Church if that will help anyone with location. My husband could meet someone there and direct them.
  2. C

    Stuck- SOS

    I'm awful with directions, just dealing with this for my husband whilst he's at work. All I know is if you looked up to the right was the long man up on the hill. Trying to get better location details from my friend that was with us.
  3. C

    Stuck- SOS

    That's no problem.
  4. C

    Stuck- SOS

    Haha indeed I am and because of that fact I can't make out that map I'm afraid! Trying to be able to give you a screen shot of the exact location.
  5. C

    Stuck- SOS

    Trying to find out who they are is proving difficult.
  6. C

    Stuck- SOS

    No, just the Suzuki. Nobody is in it now. It happened Saturday, we've informed the police what happened and that we're trying to get it out.
  7. C

    Stuck- SOS

    Kinda try anything when you're stuck for the first time!
  8. C

    Stuck- SOS

    Everyone is safe, it's directly in front of Long Man of Wilmington, S Downs Way, Wilmington, Eastbourne BN26 5RN Its a green lane so legal to be on there. Car is a Suzuki x90
  9. C

    Stuck- SOS

    Hi all, Wondering if any of you can help. My husband was green laning by Wilmington (in front of the long man) and got stuck. He and a friend have tried digging it out, using boards and a van and tow ropes with no luck. Anyone on here have a winch and willing to help, will pay. Many thanks.
  10. C

    Stuck- SOS

    Hi all, Wondering if any of you can help. My husband was green laning by Wilmington (in front of the long man) and got stuck. He and a friend have tried digging it out, using boards and a van and tow ropes with no luck. Anyone on here have a winch and willing to help, will pay. Many thanks.