1. cornishboater

    P38A Blend motors

    I seem to be getting conflicting answers, I bought new Valeo blend/distribution motors quite a while back to replace the distribution motor. The distribution one seems to have gone wrong. I am still trying to find the cause or if it has in fact gone as there are no faults shown. Are these motors...
  2. cornishboater

    P38A HEVAC

    And thanks for the response Keith
  3. cornishboater

    P38A HEVAC

    The recirc motor failed due to a jammed flap years ago but for some reason is now showing a fault after doing the "O" rings and stripping most of the dash out. Pity about the blend motors not being the same, I still have 2 brand new ones! I will have to strip the stuff out again and have a...
  4. cornishboater

    P38A HEVAC

    Ta for the info, To continue, somats up, I can calibrate as mentioned previously with no issues, however, I have forced the distribution motor to face level but it stays blowing at floor level. Therefore I assume that the motor must be at fault although it doesn’t say it is. The recirc flap...
  5. cornishboater

    P38A HEVAC

    Would that not flag a fault on the nano when doing the calibration though?
  6. cornishboater

    P38A HEVAC

    Hi Keith, I have tried both, the same on either one it just seems to send it all to the bottom vents
  7. cornishboater

    P38A HEVAC

    The saga continues, book symbol now gone and no faults showing, however, there is hardly any air coming out of the face vents. The distribution motor is working as are the blend motors, I have calibrated and tried them under the Nanocom with no issues. Both blowers are running fine. I am...
  8. cornishboater

    P38A HEVAC

    Before I take out the glovebox etc how accessible is the connector for the LH recirc motor (RHD car). This is the only fault that the Nanocom is showing. I have a good spare motor and was thinking of plugging it in and just zip tie it to something to fool the HEVAC into thinking it is ok. I know...
  9. cornishboater

    P38A New hvac fault, bugger!

    That's what my old girl looks like today, however, it is for the "O" rings. All done now, what a ball ache of a job!!!!
  10. cornishboater

    P38A Book symbol and A/C

    I doesn't pull dry air in, it drys the air when it is operating, it only blows cold when asked to (sometimes you have to plead with it) the temp will be at whatever you set the control to. You will sometimes find the moisture it squeezes out lying in the footwell if you dont clean the drain...
  11. cornishboater

    P38A Steering wheel decals

    That would be Paul Bennet that did the decals
  12. cornishboater

    P38A Window seal anyone?

    Try Craddocks, that's where I got mine, ain't cheap though, James Coleman on the P38 Facebook group may have a good used one ALR8602 or ALR8603 for the rear doors
  13. cornishboater

    P38A Fixed the sub woofer now need door speaker help please

    You will alert the central scrutinizer (If ya know ya know)
  14. cornishboater

    P38A 2 piece headliner ?

    Cheaper do do it yourself, I would imagine you will have a one piece. The 2 piece is easier to manipulate but doesnt look as good as the real thing.
  15. cornishboater

    P38A Testing a sub woofer speaker.

    I had my unit (Clarion) modified with the external jack, I have a mini Bluetooth adaptor so I really only use my phone or the little DAB unit I bought a while back. I stopped using the CD player years ago, it still works but as with any cd player can be a bit flaky over bumps and the proverbial...
  16. cornishboater

    P38A Fixed the sub woofer now need door speaker help please

    I am sure you have already done it but I had major issues with my HK door stuff, although I had cut and soldered the larger white connector behind the LH kick panel I hadn't done the smaller one which feeds the outstation. After soldering all was a-ok
  17. cornishboater

    P38A Boot lamp falls out.

    Two are even brighter..............
  18. cornishboater

    P38A Boot lamp falls out.

    You do have to remove a bit of material to fit it, easy does it Homer
  19. cornishboater

    P38A Boot lamp falls out.

    It does actually make visibility a lot better, as Keith says though, sometimes a tad too much, LED light is unforgiving!!!
  20. cornishboater

    P38A Boot lamp falls out.

    I just put in Y connectors and tapped off of the one lamp, even colour coded the additional wires :)