1. 3.5 efi

    Full width 200tdi intercooler

    Hard to quantify but it's about twice the size of standard.
  2. 3.5 efi

    Full width 200tdi intercooler

    You can fit a standard td5 one quite easily if you centre the radiator in the mount. Cheap enough to pick up and just a bit of plumbing.
  3. 3.5 efi

    Lz11 latest....

    So, is there some sort of get together this weekend? :confused:
  4. 3.5 efi

    Request for people to bring stuff.

    Could do with a couple of jate rings if anyone's got a couple hanging about. Probably got bolts.
  5. 3.5 efi

    Mod1 - Will the legend appear??

    Was a tad funny seeing him fall face first out of his tent on Saturday night at LZ 10. I didn't laugh much, honest. :p
  6. 3.5 efi

    Barnsley to anywhere north of there

    No worries. Was curious as to how you laid your grubby mits on the picture of Silverlandy and Rosie that you use in your avatar? Can you get any more?
  7. 3.5 efi

    New Project !

    Nice, or will be when you've finished.
  8. 3.5 efi

    Another Classic being brought back

    Very nice. Looks great.
  9. 3.5 efi

    Barnsley to anywhere north of there

    I can maybe get them to Leeds for you and maybe Rosie can get them up a bit nearer after LZ 11 if that's any good to you?
  10. 3.5 efi

    Can a leaking vapouriser seem like a Head Gasket?

    You've answered your own question really. Yes it could pressurise the water if leaking into the water. Think Saint on here had very similar issues a while back.
  11. 3.5 efi

    Who wants to go laning?

    I'll have a couple of spare seats if anyone wants a ride out. But be warned, Silverlandy will be at the helm. :eek: :p
  12. 3.5 efi

    West Yorkshire massive

    Might just have to tag onto the back wi t'Yorkshire massive. :)
  13. 3.5 efi

    Who wants to go laning?

    Was only teasing. Silverlandys a great driver. There. I've said it.
  14. 3.5 efi

    Who wants to go laning?

    I've plenty of off road experience so not overly concerned (hope I don't regret writing that :p) just the sill tanks I'm a bit bothered about. Will probably take the front dam off, bolt a couple of jate rings on and chuck some ats on anyway :)
  15. 3.5 efi

    Who wants to go laning?

    Damn, forgot. Silverlandy will be driving it. :eek::eek::p
  16. 3.5 efi

    Who wants to go laning?

    Oh, and I've got no recovery points on the front, a front air dam and 205 road tyres on it too. What's the worst could happen? :D It's a Range Rover classic, no problem. :D
  17. 3.5 efi

    Who wants to go laning?

    Was the depth of the ruts that concerns me because of the sill tanks really. I'll probably take a chance with it. If in doubt, flat out. :)
  18. 3.5 efi

    Who wants to go laning?

    I might want to go laning on the Saturday but have under sill gas tanks and was wondering how rough, if at all, it might be? Seem to remember it being fairly easy going from what everybody said last year?
  19. 3.5 efi

    strange pipe

    Timing case breather for wading. Others for axles and boxes.
  20. 3.5 efi

    What Britpart Springs do i need

    Probably stick 4 of them on. They're the same poundage as the standard front 90 ones but a couple of inch taller.