1. biketeacherdave

    Freelander 2 (LR2) Tyres (again)

    And I do get it dirty
  2. biketeacherdave

    Freelander 2 (LR2) Tyres (again)

    So far fitted to my 4.2 sc sport the wife's d3 v8 my mates Ford ranger oh and for giggles a porche cayenne 4.5 v8 ulez car with no issues what so ever.
  3. biketeacherdave

    Freelander 2 (LR2) Tyres (again)

    Get your self a set of wildpeaks at they will do everything you need
  4. biketeacherdave

    Suspension Fault Discovery 4 SDV6 GS

    At a guese I would say you have faulty height sensors :vb-doh:
  5. biketeacherdave

    Recondition Discovery 4 engine & fit

    Scrap it save your self a load a grief....
  6. biketeacherdave


    32mm plumbers box spanner will do it or pump pliers https://www.screwfix.com/p/stanley-fatmax-push-lock-groove-joint-pliers-12-305mm-/25268
  7. biketeacherdave


    Afraid not but if your carefull a pair of pump pliers should wind them out and none of the ebay or amazon vanos valves actually fit been there done it. So a clean is all you should do
  8. biketeacherdave


    I had to ream the vanos removal socket out a tad that came with the timing kit I bought off the bay so be warned.
  9. biketeacherdave

    L322 4.4v8 m62 with lpg

    So your saying water came out during the oil change ?? . That pretty much means you have cooked your engine.
  10. biketeacherdave

    L322 L322 M62 Cabin heating issues

    Yes the m62 doesn't have the fbh fitted unless in a cold climate some people did spec it when new but they are very rare indeed. I was going todo a fbh install to mine having sounced everything needed over time including a new circuit board for the fbh to work via petrol but with an engine...
  11. biketeacherdave

    L322 L322 M62 Cabin heating issues

    No idea where the post is but this is what you need https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/384939433204?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ZWMD6gVwTS2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=oOa0MvLBTri&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  12. biketeacherdave

    L322 L322 M62 Cabin heating issues

    Never had an issue with my ebay heater control valves I'm sure iv posted the part number or ebay link when I did mine
  13. biketeacherdave

    Velar DPF clean killed my car

    Don't expect a response op joined in June looking for help hasn't been back since July. :vb-argue:
  14. biketeacherdave

    Disco 4 (LR4) Fuel guage issue

    Known issue https://www.rrsport.co.uk/forum/topic50651.html?highlight=fuel+reset
  15. biketeacherdave

    Disco 4 (LR4) Fuel guage issue

    You should be able todo a full vehicle reset with the gap tool to sort the issue.
  16. biketeacherdave

    Disco 4 (LR4) Fuel guage issue

    The car is in fail safe it thinks its empty so won't let you start the engine. I'm not sure if the gap tool will reset the fuel sender unit but I don't see why not. Think we used LR diag to reset my mates car. It just needs the fuel level reset is all. Good luck report back
  17. biketeacherdave

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Messed about with my L322 nothingvwrong with it I just messed about with it.
  18. biketeacherdave

    Sport New to me 4.2 sc

    Thankfully no the sport did its thing I didn't get stuck all day
  19. biketeacherdave

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Got it dirty
  20. biketeacherdave

    Sport New to me 4.2 sc

    Got it dirty