1. R

    Blackbox Faultmate MSV-2 Nano P38 kit - mint condition

    Bump. Plenty of talk, no cash received yet! Treat yourselves on payday ;)
  2. R

    Blackbox Faultmate MSV-2 Nano P38 kit - mint condition

    Bump. Make me an offer guys. I can only say no ;) It's useless to me as I no longer have the Range Rover. cheers!
  3. R

    Blackbox Faultmate MSV-2 Nano P38 kit - mint condition

    This is still for sale guys :) Thanks!
  4. R

    Blackbox Faultmate MSV-2 Nano P38 kit - mint condition

    Price reduced to £295 inc postage. Want this gone please - save me from eBay hell. Cheers!
  5. R

    Blackbox Faultmate MSV-2 Nano P38 kit - mint condition

    Used approx 5 times, in as new condition. Selling because I no longer have a P38. Faultmate MSV-2 Nano P38 kit diagnostics machine / code reader, with all items as listed on Blackbox website shop: This item is a kit, comprising of a Nano Vehicle Server, all other required Hardware and a Single...
  6. R

    New Owner EAS fault

    Are you using parallels? I need to get my mac sorted for diagnostics...
  7. R

    Cannot post in parts and accessories

    Thanks ginge - understood :)
  8. R

    Cannot post in parts and accessories

    I totally see that perspective. But you (as a community) encourage searching before posting. If people post before searching for common questions, then they are generally ridiculed. So - to tolerate the ridicule to get the post count up solely to gain access to the for sale section, or to stay...
  9. R

    Cannot post in parts and accessories

    On a side note, I've been registered almost two years. I have learnt a lot from the forum in that time, but don't post a lot due to actually searching before posting mostly... My contributions as a newbie wouldn't (and probably couldn't) be considered constructive. By definition as a newbie to...
  10. R

    P38 steering angle / turns

    Hi guys Weird one this - hope you can help. Alignment done about 3 months ago. All fine. Today noticed that the input angle (amount I need to turn the wheel) is significantly more when turning left than when turning right. Especially noticeable on motorways etc. For example a very...
  11. R

    Dse oil leak.

    that's what's putting me off! I have the links ready to buy the new hoses (about £60 for the pair if I recall so not too bad) but I've read some horror stories about removing them from the cooler. A new cooler would bump up that cost somewhat :(
  12. R

    air spring - slightly worn

    yep - although I've never changed one before I was approaching it like you would standard shocks, or brakes etc. Do both sides together :) Thanks for the tip though!
  13. R

    air spring - slightly worn

    I could only afford the front two this month, but will do the rear two next month. The others oddly whilst perished, are nowhere near as bad. Positively serviceable!
  14. R

    Dse oil leak.

    I'm struggling to find this link - can anyone assist please?
  15. R

    air spring - slightly worn

    Thanks to the high standard of maintenance by the previous owner(s) I had a hard fault on the EAS a few days ago. Could also hear air leaking when I got out the car from the front nearside airbag. Jacked it to high setting, took a quick look, airbag knackered - big time. Wasn't until last night...
  16. R

    P38 Vibration..U/V joint looks culprit.

    Peugeot 106's are my thing - the only greased nipples in the past have been with my wife, but that's a whole 'nother story, and you're not getting pictures of that :p
  17. R

    P38 Vibration..U/V joint looks culprit.

    I can't thank you guys enough for the assistance. I'm capable of a lot of stuff having built several cars up over the years but the Rangie is on a whole 'nother level as everything is upsized and lorry like! :D
  18. R

    P38 Vibration..U/V joint looks culprit.

    Well, the tool arrived, and u did the work the other day. Thunk I found the culprit of the noise an vibration... That's how I found them - bone dry, no needle bearings, and shattered. Bah. Last owner is a bumhole...
  19. R

    P38 Vibration..U/V joint looks culprit.

    best i buy some bolts then also! Didn't think about that. Would it be too obvious to have an urge to replace them with metric bolts and nuts (M10's or whatever they'd be) for ease next time, or is there some daft reason I cant? Edit to add -bit of research and I'm now aware I cant. Bah. OK -...
  20. R

    P38 Vibration..U/V joint looks culprit.

    Cheers wammers! Investing in some imperial tools as we speak!