1. P

    Stripping off the body panels..

    What you suggest is simple enough in principle, but as you say it could turn into a complete pig of a job. The front wings should come off easily enough - you could do those and see how you get on, cos if you are going to end up replacing the chassis it will all have to come off. Getting the...
  2. P

    Need for more speed

    More speed??? Less noise??? It's a Landy, what do you expect! Overdrive is worth having, but they are a bit fragile, so try to get one that hasn't clocked up too many miles.
  3. P

    Please be kind to me!

    The gasket has to mate with the bottom of the crankcase which should be standard even if the fastenings aren't thoguh I think I have seen these metal stiffening strips instead of individual washers before. The knock could be anything from a main bearing (big trouble) to the fan coming loose...
  4. P


    The bit of the transfer box that feeds the drive to the front wheels is pretty simple - just a dog clutch, so provided the landy runs ok with the front prop shaft removed I can't imagine there is much wrong with it. More commonly the linkage sticks in 2WD and you can't get 4WD when you need it...
  5. P

    Engine wont start

    I think I am starting to understand why you had a loose wire and non-fucntional glowplugs! The linking wires certainly don't join together - one (with a big ring on the end) goes under the ceramic insulator, the other (small ring) goes under the knurled metal screw at the end of the glowplug...
  6. P

    Engine wont start

    That's right - but it doesn't have to have run out of fuel - in my case the engine had just been sitting on the ground for a month or two but when I put it in I had a new fuel filter and lots of air in the pipework, and that was enoguh to make it not start. If you have had it running smoothly...
  7. P

    Engine wont start

    Glow plugs are wired in series - there should be a wire from the ballast resistor (on the bulkead) to the rearmost glow plug then wires from one glow plug to the next and finally a wire from the last plug to the engine (earth). With your tester with one end connected to the chassis, you should...
  8. P


    THe NFU (National Farmers' Union) do a good scheme I am told. You have to be a member but it still might work out cheaper. Not sure if you have to convince them if you are a genuine farmer - might be worth a look.
  9. P

    brake troubles

    One thing you might try - it's the devil's work to get the air out the loop where the flexible pipe joins to the pipe on the back axle. The trick seems to be to raise the rear end about two feet off the ground whilst bleeding the rear brakes. You could use a hi-lift jack but I just put the sling...
  10. P

    overdrive is it worth the trouble

    I think it depends whether it is petrol or diesel. I had a IIA petrol witout OD and it was fine, even on motorways, but on my Series III diesel I wouldn't be without it at any speed above about 40. In fact I tend to just leave it engaged all the time I am on hard surfaces and not towing. People...
  11. P

    Changing cabs

    If by cab you mean the truck cab roof and back window that goes on the front of a landy with canvas at the back, it's dead easy as long as you are swapping like for like. You can put a truck cab on a landy that used to be full length canvas, or that had a full length hard top, but then you will...
  12. P

    Over-revving 2a 2.25 petrol

    Of course adding paraffin to diesel is probably fine (if illegal), diesels will run on old chip fat even, provided you filter the bits out and don't mind smelling like a chip shop- I think this could be the cause of your farmer friend's "bright idea".
  13. P

    series 2a brakes locking on...

    Happened to me once that brake pedal would gradually loose all free motion until you were driving along with the brakes on. As you use the brakes the fluid heats up and needs to be able to exapand back into the reserbvoir. There is a valve in the master cylinder which allows it to do this, but...
  14. P

    convert series 3 2.1/4 petrol to diesel

    Do you really mean making a petrol engine run on diesel? Well let's see, you'd need a new head (with the right sized holes for injectors rather than spark plugs), the injectors and pump, new pistons, a new crank to give you the higher compression ratio.... I suppose if you are the kind of...
  15. P


    This happened to me. Turned out that whoever had last removed the instrument panel had tugged hard enough to partially disconnect the speedo cable. It doesn't have a lot of slack! Should just clip back into place. Worth a try anyway?
  16. P

    Hard or Soft?

    I've got hardtop now but I miss my old softop. Hardtop still leaks in the rain and is cold in the winter, so what's the advantage? I made a wooden "strong box" with a padlock in which I put anything valuable - ex-army so no seat lockers. The hard top version isn't really secure by modern...
  17. P

    Starter Motor

    Yep sure sounds like the bendix to me - use some petrol to clean the spiral along which the gear on the starter shaft spins. When the motor spins the gear should fly along this spiral under its own inertia. If it is stuck a few taps with a hammer should free it, thoguh you will want to get it...
  18. P

    Transfer Box Issues

    If the halfshaft is broken at the diff end (they usually are) don't despair - taking the diff out is very straightforward, the only note of caution being that it is f*ck*ng heavy, so you don't want to get your arm underneath it as it comes free from the studs. I've done it on my own a couple of...
  19. P

    Hand brake overhaul.S3

    Yep it's not too bad, but the nuts holding the drum on an an odd size (Whitworth I expect) - if they are not too tight it will be fine, or you can do what I did and find an old AF socket and hammer it into place, don't use the next AF size up or you will end up with round nuts. After that it is...
  20. P

    Living without synchromesh - an issue?

    It is a lost art, but on a landy, where nothing happens very quickly it is not too hard to learn. All you have to remeber is that what you are trying to do is to get the layshaft (which will be connected to the engine via the clutch one you are finshed) going at the right speed for the new gear...