1. Tallbiker

    Discovery 300tdi custom

    Hi, I have a '98 300tdi and as a ridiculously tall git the stock seats are a bit on the high side. Your seat conversion looks the nuts, but are the new ones higher, lower or the same height a the originals? Looking to do something similar myself :):)
  2. Tallbiker

    Ok then oil experts!

    I'd say it'll be fine for topping up the LR BB, but be a little careful with the genny, as they actually need a fairly basic oil, synthetics can cause bore glazing...... Not a problem with the LR, I would and do use anything from fully synth to mineral depending on what is free at the time :)...
  3. Tallbiker

    Air con intermittent

    Wonderful feedback guys, thanks soo much!!! Looks like a can of top up as the way to go as a first try, yippee something to give a go, happy days :) DO I need to buy the £40 version with the hose and meter so I dont over gas? Or is there another version I'm not finding...
  4. Tallbiker

    Air con intermittent

    Belt is fine, good call though :)
  5. Tallbiker

    Air con intermittent

    Thanks guys, I'll have a look at the weekend :)
  6. Tallbiker

    Air con intermittent

    Ok done a search, nothing found so here goes...... 300TDI auto Engine on, in park, turn on fan to 1 or above, turn on air con, idle speed increases, cooling fans start, compressor engages, cold air through vents, :D After a few seconds compressor disengages, then reengages, and so it goes on...
  7. Tallbiker

    Tales of rescues

    Most new ones have a button on the dash 'DTC' Dynamic traction control. When stuck in snow push the button and as if by magic you are stuck no more. Unfortunately as you so rightly say, it's not an engineering problem! :eek:
  8. Tallbiker

    Yes I have used SEARCH - Safari Limited Edition

    Oh yes I forgot that, the gay badges are their defining characteristic ;)
  9. Tallbiker

    Yes I have used SEARCH - Safari Limited Edition

    You aint kidding, before I bought it I had a specialist 4x4 place look it over, and they couldn't believe their eyes, in the end had two of them searchin for rust, only place they could find any was the rear step, and a little in the rear door shuts, nothing a bit of wet & dry couldn't sort...
  10. Tallbiker

    Yes I have used SEARCH - Safari Limited Edition

    I got one, wot Discool said :5bcheers2: :) cept mine's missing the steps :mad: Lovely wagon, and no rust, no, really, this model didn't come with any apparently :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D :D
  11. Tallbiker

    Discovery 1 axle lockers and fording

    No I have a D1 1998 300TDI Auto, so no TC, she's just bootiful :) What ever happened to limited slip diffs? Surely these give the best of both worlds, allowing traction to move to the wheel with the most grip, without locking up the diff completely and causing all the issues mentioned in the...
  12. Tallbiker

    Discovery 1 axle lockers and fording

    Oh jeez, how did I get to my time of life and not come across this technique before? :mad: Fantastic, need snow to practice :D Any good experience tips for auto's I have missed? 4x4's new to me, but loving learning, thanks to all :):):)
  13. Tallbiker

    Breaking 1997 300Tdi Disco

    need a sunroof if you have one going?
  14. Tallbiker

    Discovery tdi slow start fixed!!

    Major cause of cranking speed difference is oil. Thicker oil causes more resistance, especially when very cold! Put Edge TD 5W-40 in mine, turns over like a dream even when minus 5 or lower :) partly helped by lower cold viscosity, partly due to fully synthetic build meaning it's very...
  15. Tallbiker

    sunroof part help needed

    Excellent thanks again Pete! I will keep my eyes open on ebay, and see what I can make in the mean time Shiny side up as ever Nigel
  16. Tallbiker

    Winter tyres

    I have had a co car for the last 15 yrs, and just rang the co insurance co and asked for proof of no claims. They sent it no problem, and as long as it states vehicle was used for social as well as work use, all insurance co's accept it as proof of no claims, assuming that is, you have not...
  17. Tallbiker

    sunroof part help needed

    Discool my hero, nice to know someone knows what I am talking about! I am now wondering if I could fabricate something to do the job, difficult without seeing the original, maybe I could get the one out of the other side and see what it looks like? For now all is sealed so I may wait till the...
  18. Tallbiker

    sunroof part help needed

    Hi all, your expertise is needed again please :D (Disco1 1998) I have recently removed my rear sunroof, re attached the roof to the strengthening bars using that amazing stuff 'tiger seal' and re sealed the sunroof back in place, leaks all gone However when I went to open the roof, there was a...
  19. Tallbiker

    De-cat Downpipe

    Not sure what is in them now days, but the innards used to be full of VERY nasty heavy metals, carcinogenic, not to be messed with :eek:
  20. Tallbiker

    Too tall

    Cool, O well I have had another look, and though mine looks very different to yours 300tdistu, I was wrong and they are not connected to the floor :) SO I will strip it all out next week and see what can be done, hopeful though that it is after all just a cut down job of some sort, don't think...