1. B

    Nanocom Evolution

    Sorry to keep popping back, but i have met so very many truly kind and appreciative dog lovers on this thread, i somehow feel obliged to post up such news as this here. I can provide a bit more info about that. The brother almost instantly went to a really nice local guy, married with 3 young...
  2. B

    Nanocom Evolution

    tomcatrr The next one will happen whenever enough members here choose to club together, make it happen and contact me. My reason for this post is simply to unconditionally thank those who have responded to my call for help and signed the petition to help stop Animal cruelty in Cyprus and...
  3. B

    Nanocom Evolution

    Given the circumstances of this particular case, and the degree of upset and distress i knew it would cause to the many dog lovers i have encounterd on this thread, and my own targetabilty, i almost chose not to post up about it here at all. But somehow, i cannot stop myself from imagining...
  4. B

    Nanocom Evolution

    Guys and Gals Despite some believing otherwize, as most have gathered in this thread i care far more about our four legged friends than myself BBS or otherwise and right now i need as much help as i can get and am certainly not ashamed to return here temporarily despite my declaring otherwize...
  5. B

    Nanocom Evolution

    It was actually a really brilliant and very memorable do Datatek Although you cant see some of their faces, to introduce the BBS team starting from front left to rear left David, newest member and filling the new role of product tester Alexander, Software developer, mainly on the MSV-2...
  6. B

    Nanocom Evolution

    Humble as ever Keith ;-) I confirm that my comment was indeed directed to you :clap2: Not to say that my recent involvements with this board have not shown me that there are indeed very many decent members here including you too Saint.V8 and me, Poppie and all BBS staff truly salute you all...
  7. B

    Nanocom Evolution

    As this is most likely the last post i will make on this forum for some time. I would simply say that i believe one cannot judge themselves. In your case, i think everone including myself and your wife beleive you to be someone we all judge positively and would all aspire to be in some way...
  8. B

    Nanocom Evolution

    So you are certainly wize enough even at 60 to recognize a good woman when you find one and not let her slip through your hands. I am guessing that she probably did not marry you for your Boyish good looks :rolleyes: They say that behind every great man is an even greater woman. That is...
  9. B

    Nanocom Evolution

    I have no idea of exactly how old you are Datatek, but with age comes great wisdom and you certainly have a lot of that ;) Your wisdom should certainly be well honed enough to tell you that young or old, everyone should live each and every day as though it is their last and fully enjoy it ;)...
  10. B

    Nanocom Evolution

    Cheers Guys Yea, it would sure be nice to have at least a fair and equal opportunity for a change Datatek, or at least just cop a decent break. Things here in Cyprus are really still very problematic for local businesses especially. Thankfully, as you see by the pictures, Success cannot...
  11. B

    Nanocom Evolution

    Hello again. Thank you all for your very kind comments. Indeed, and as Christmas is a time for sharing, as such i thought to pop back and share a few pictures of Poppie enjoying her first Christmas with you starting with this one of her enjoying being dressed up for the part. At...
  12. B

    Nanocom Evolution

    I am so really very glad to have met so many new, truly decent and friendly folks on this thread and to have let you all appreciate what a few members have realised, known and totally understood about me from the very start. And i truly thank you all for making me so very welcome and...
  13. B

    Nanocom Evolution

    Hiya all Sorry, as i am currently participating in this site due to this group buy event, i have no excuse for neglecting to let you all know about this recent Nanocom web site update, but in my defence i have been a bit rushed off my feet recently due to a number of things, including this...
  14. B

    Nanocom Evolution

    Maybe this picture will help you also relax Saint.V8 Check out the size of those ears LOL Yep we did test their earodynamic properties in front of a fan and sure enough they do rise appropriately ;-) But no matter what, in reality there is actually only a few more days to go before this...
  15. B

    Nanocom Evolution

    Saint.V8 I am no expert, what bloke ever is, but even i have learned that females really like things that are shiny, cuddly, nice to eat or especially comfortable. Poppie, possibly because she is also female is no exception to this, but instead of rings, puppies, chocloate and wearing your...
  16. B

    Nanocom Evolution

    Many thanks for your appreciation of our efforts and the benefits of what we try to offer to all Land Rover owners grnoval. Clearly what we offer is a very valuable, useful and usable piece of very capable diagnostic equipment. At any price, let alone such a low and even more heavily...
  17. B

    Nanocom Evolution

    Hiya Parisien I started posting on this thread quite specifically and soley in order to help and assist the many really nice members on this forum who started it and were just looking for a good discount, which i believe and hope have indeed achieved. For me, this was never about making...
  18. B

    Nanocom Evolution

    Many thanks for helping odyssey out with the link charlesteton ;-) Poppie was having a bit of a nap there Speaking of napping, i should remind everyone that sadly there is now only one more week remaining before this group buy event closes.
  19. B

    Nanocom Evolution

    When it comes to pets, there is nothing prettier than seeing pictures of any really happy and contented Dog, and Cat in your case ;-) Datatek ;) Yours are very lucky to have you the thank for being so care free that they clearly have to make their own trouble LOL.