1. D

    Bumper - Just sheared the bolt

    I haven't had much luck with any of the penetrating oils, and when I've gotten a stubborn bolt undone after treating it with WD-40 or similar the oil have only managed to penetrate maybe one turn of the threads or so. IMHO anything that's tight enough to stick is also tight enough to be leak...
  2. D

    The day-to-day consequences of landy ownership?

    Yesterday I had another go at some LR reseach and managed to corner the new kid at the dealers. Apparently unaware of the policy of keeping customers clueless until contracts are signed he handed over a price list over services, labelled A, B, C. What looks a bit strange to me is that all that...
  3. D

    The day-to-day consequences of landy ownership?

    Thanks for the reply! English isn't my first language, but usually I get by anyhow. But there are some things my dictionaries simply doesn't cover...
  4. D

    The day-to-day consequences of landy ownership?

    Well, I haven't given up on the idea yet, although restyricted availability of suitable objects and fuel consumtion are heavy considerations. And just to torment myself I bought an issue of LRO and browsed through the ads, which immediately sparked a brand new set of questions: - vehicles for...
  5. D

    The day-to-day consequences of landy ownership?

    The thing is that eventually time will take its toll on these too, and when that happens I much prefer a car that: A) is put together in an identifiable way B) and is possible to repair with an accepable amount of disassembly Besides, there seems to be far less accessories in a Defender that...
  6. D

    The day-to-day consequences of landy ownership?

    I'm sorry to report that things are looking a bit bleak at the moment, there's a planned re-write of the car tax laws coming up this autumn, with some diesels due to receive considerable tax cuts and others to remain at the current higher level. Can't really buy before that has gotten sorted...
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    The day-to-day consequences of landy ownership?

    Ouch!:) At least I reckon on being clothed when entering the car... That IS good news, I don't fancy draining and working with tanks much. For ease of installation that sounds fine, but for having the heater operational when needed I see a problem. There's someone around who'll also use the...
  8. D

    The day-to-day consequences of landy ownership?

    Be warned, you're speaking to someone who's in the Scouts, does sailing and mountainbiking and owns a Volvo 480. Dressing in strange clothing, getting cold, wet and muddy, and having my choice of vehicle questioned on a daily basis comes quite naturally to me:p Oh, and travelling to my favourite...
  9. D

    The day-to-day consequences of landy ownership?

    Unfortunately I'm in Sweden, and this IS the specialist dealer as recommended by the official LR Sweden homepage. The next one runs a smaller outfit and is 100 miles away.
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    The day-to-day consequences of landy ownership?

    So today I decided to pursue my dream a bit further and walked over to the local LR and Jag dealer(who also manages the local garage) to try to get a grip on running costs, which turned out to be interesting in a way but not particularly helpful: Q: what are the service intervals and what does...
  11. D

    The day-to-day consequences of landy ownership?

    Yep, preferably not new as in new-from-the-dealer but rather something 2-5 years old. I don't mind electronics as such, it's the dodgy electronics I like to get away from. Apparently there's supposed to be an engine with mechanical injection as well, but I've only seen it as a catalogue option.
  12. D

    The day-to-day consequences of landy ownership?

    Great! just the thing I was hoping for. But you eventually plan on replacing the current one with a newer version? Is it because of upkeep and the law of diminishing returns? Or are there features underway in coming versions that you are currently missing? What sort of life expectancy is...
  13. D

    The day-to-day consequences of landy ownership?

    But aren't all cars a pain occasionally, or are landy's more of a pain than the average car? One of the things I'm trying to avoid/reduce to a minimum is the "nuisance failures" that ordinary cars seems to thrive on as soon as the warranty has run out (you know - the built-in diagnostics that...
  14. D

    The day-to-day consequences of landy ownership?

    Hi all, I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that I'll have to let my current car go to the scrappy fairly soon, and am thinking about replacing it with a fairly new Defender 110. I've never owned a land-rover before and except for a few hours in a series III I'm just about clueless about...