1. D

    Rear Ended - insurance and aftermarket fixings

    Thanks, that was my intention with my limited common sense. But...in my expereince insurance companies can be tw@ts so I just didnt want to screw myself up by giving them any excuse not to pay for some of the work.
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    Rear Ended - insurance and aftermarket fixings

    Hi All, Some git rear ended my Freelander on Monday, so its off to the garage. Nice news is the insurance company has given me an 07 Freelander 2 XS - Nice. Anyway, part of the repair is that I need a new rear bumper. Now, I had rear paking senser installed on the rear bumper - this was not...
  3. D

    clutch pedal - clunk

    Hi, yep, looks like a simple fix. I think you can get the clips on the web somewhere. I didnt have time and had to but the whole cable for £59 just to get the clip. Took the clip of and sold the rest of ebay to get my money back. at least its not going to be very expensive adn well done on...
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    clutch pedal - clunk

    Hi, yep. little clip that connects the clutch pedal to the clutch plunger Had sheard away. Get your head down ion the foot well and all will be obvious if its that. If not I know the clutch cable is a common th9ing to go. Problem was I was a little rushed so had to buy the full clutch...
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    clutch pedal - clunk

    Further update. Found the problem. See link for pic. looks like the pedal has come loose from the plunger, reattached but keeps popping out. There a little ring/spring thing that I assume holds the plastic O of the plunger to the pedal. Do these brake or should there be somthing else to...
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    clutch pedal - clunk

    Hi, Update. I was Still driving with the clunking noise as changing gears was o.k. until i can sort a garage out to do the work. driving down the road and clutch pedal fell to the floor. It now either sticks down or can be moved back in position and stays there, until you try it then it...
  7. D

    clutch pedal - clunk

    Thanks for the information. Brilliant Dave
  8. D

    clutch pedal - clunk

    soundsa about right, expensive to fix?
  9. D

    clutch pedal - clunk

    I cna be, specially the at lights scenerio - is it me then?
  10. D

    clutch pedal - clunk

    Seepdy response!!! its got 58000 on the clock. Not sure if its had a new clutch, didnt see paper work (for clutch replacement) for it when I bought it.
  11. D

    clutch pedal - clunk

    Hi, Had my 1.8 without any probs for a year. did over 500 miles in it this weekend and on the way home noticed the clutch started to make a clunky noise when changing gear. not always but sometimes. When it does clunk feels like somethings loose when pressing the pedal, does not affect...
  12. D

    Parking sensors

    Hi Im in Liverpool. Ill update my details. How do you earth to a suitable point. Is this on the wiring loom were the live wire is or against a peice of metal somewhere. How did you wire in the live wire - did you use a connector. Cheers Dave
  13. D

    Parking sensors

    Thanks, that would be handy. Yeah, never thought Id need them but our work car park has a double parking scheme going on and it can be a nightmare. Might be a silly question, but do you have to disconnect the battery to install them. Cheers Dave
  14. D

    Parking sensors

    Hi, Im looking to get parking sensors for my 2001 freelander. Seen some on ebay for bout £20 that you can fit yourself, kind that work of the reverse light wiring. Has anyone fitted these - are they easy to fit. Also can you get to the wiring from the boot. and if so how does the wiring from...
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    Squeeky Creeky Suspension

    Hi All, Had my 2001 1.8 a few weeks now and very happy with it. Had an annual service a week ago and everything looked fine. Have noticed the past few days that the front suspension has got quite squeky/creaky when going over speed bumps etc. Seems fine on normal road and control feels lovely...
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    LPG conversion of 1.8 Freelander

    Hi, Anyone had any experience of getting a 1.8 converted to LPG. what Price, performance difference, any problems etc? Thanks Dave ______________________________________________
  17. D

    Saving Fuel

    Hi, with my 1.8 Im obviously always looking for ways to save fuel. Seen this on ebay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/land-rover-range-discovery-freelander-defender-fuel_W0QQitemZ150035885517QQihZ005QQcategoryZ43120QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Anyone have any experience of thes or are they a waste of money...
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    MPG and Motorway miles

    oh, I see there not that good then.
  19. D

    MPG and Motorway miles

    What does he mean by disco, am i missing something.
  20. D

    MPG and Motorway miles

    Hi, I belive it would be diesel, not sure of the engine size yet.