1. R

    freelander viobration and droning sound

    more of a droning. it only comes in at around 70. forgot to say in the last year the car had the VCU rubber replaced and one bearing replaced.
  2. R

    freelander viobration and droning sound

    well today i swaped the tyres front to back and checked them over for egg balls and feathering etc and all are round and fine. the vibration has now gone on swaping the wheels over. but the droning sound is still there, the droning i cant work out where its coming from its deffo not comeing...
  3. R

    freelander viobration and droning sound

    right my freelander has a vibration at 50mph and a droning sound when you get to 70mph i have been looking under the car buches all seam to be ok and new on the propshaft. only thing i have noticed is that the front prop shaft has spat grease/oil every where. is there a repair unit for...
  4. R

    Freelander sunroof!

    Hello all, in need of some help for my freelander please. The rust seams to have got to my sunroof and now leaks. I have removed the glass from the car hence spotting the rust and confirming the drain holes are not blocked. Now can you buy complete new glass / rubber / metal frame for them...